
“If you don’t like the Christian part of it, don’t accept their help. It’s really easy.”
Being as the Christian part of Christianity comes from Jesus Christ, please let me know which books, chapters, and verses in the New Testament discuss homosexuality.

You forgot keeping the steering gear rack attached to the firewall issue.

Also how many are aware that the Citation was named for a horse? Citation, 1948 Triple Crown winner, won 16 consecutive races, and was first horse with one million dollars in winnings. Citation the car, was not as great.

They equipped it with special packaging and zero options that don’t include things like auto braking, leather, sunroof, etc. And they lament in a LUXURY market it doesn’t sell. Self fulfilling prophesy!

Uhm, some of us men are on your side. Sounds like you know someone who is living the hell that often results from a radical prostatectomy. See my other post regarding something we can do to go at this without the courts.

There is another way we can tackle this head on without the courts. Quit buying things made in Alabama. Much like the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, the anti LGBT act in Indiana got changed when Salesforce and others stated they were changing plans to expand their business in Indiana. One thing there is quite a

My apologies, sometimes my humor does not come through. You have guided me back to my childhood. Since I started reading your articles I have been carefully saving and using my bacon grease. While I did not inherit a crock, I still follow Mama’s practice of using a coffee can which after it has cooled, is capped and

OK, I get it Natasha needs a better hobby, or at least something to do other than point out crap that doesn’t matter. Unless said person threw the wrapper for her food on the floor afterwards. Then immediate execution is appropriate. But that brings up a point my old ass has had for a long time. If the rules are don’t

You are a good man David Tracy. Give compliments to you parents for me.

UPS is just evil. I have bad thoughts every time I see those baby crap brown trucks. Unfortunately my psychic ability to make the truck burst into flames is not working...or maybe fortunately...depends on my mood.

So by your reckoning, these are chickens?

Instructions on the packaging?????? WTF? You don’t make them from scratch? Grate, wrap in cheesecloth and twist the water out of them, microwave on plate for 3-4 minutes. Portion, vacuum seal and freeze. Then thaw, brown in peanut oil, (high flash point...my fav) enjoy!

Saw too many of these in the upside down and I wasn’t even in Hawkins, Indiana.

Perhaps he refers to Ford Pinto models where the fuel tanks would rupture and explode on rear impact?

A few comments.

The thing that astounds me is that the same firms that built the 727 Torqueflights (sp?) and THM 350 and 400 would later produce crap like the aforementioned Chrysler units and the THM 200. One thing I have heard about the Dakota transmissions though is that when the fluid is changed, there is a “band adjustment???”

I agree something has to change and being an unemployed old IT worker, job outsourced, tech IS the next frontier. Tech is a white collar job with corporate blue collar labor practices. The problem is that unions have an image problem. The owner class has long portrayed a unions as corrupt and shielding bad performers.

Finally, someone noticed! Rafael should not let his facial grow out. Beards do not have bare areas like that. Bare areas are not allowed. There are far too many men who call not shaving a beard. And when did not shaving your neck and pretending it’s a beard become acceptable?

Clutch, flywheel and main seal in 2010. Clutch, flywheel, main seal and IMS in 2019. 100K miles in 20 years or 5K miles a year. New clutch and flywheel every 45-50K miles????? Something ain’t right. CP!

My girl

After a lot of frustration with updates always screwing things up, I came to the conclusion that running windows in Bootcamp on a Mac was much less painful.