
Do you like pickled foods — such as pickles, sauerkraut, or pickled artichoke hearts? Kimchi basically falls under the same category for varieties of cabbage, but just imagine it really spicy. It is certainly a side dish. Goes great as an accent to ramen.

I was just checking on Kelly Blue Book the possible value of this woman author family's Mercedes. Today it would be less than $6000 if sold to a private individual. Maybe it would have been worth more if they sold it around 2009, but I doubt much more ($2000 more, but that seems too much more?).

The real problem I

Realistically, does anyone know how much would this woman's family have been able to get for selling their Mercedes around 2009?

Old rich white males shoot exotic animals all the time for sport, and people don't raise much a fuss. Let's be real: It's because the hunter here is an attractive young white female. She is being held to a different standard by both sides of the political debate here.

I felt the desire to watch this while walking on a treadmill to enhance the VR effect.

Would love to see other high-resolution walk-thrus of other cities in the world.

Christ — would it be more efficient to simply put together a list of GM cars that have *not* been recalled? It would be much shorter, right?

"Idiots are going to think they are the same company."

This is what Nordic is going to have to consider. They'll inherit both the good and bad of the recognition of the THQ brand.

And this isn't an unusual business thing: companies taking on the name of a dead company. The AT&T we know today isn't the same as the

For the rest of this decade, yes. He's what Hollywood casting directors consider hot now, yo.

So the twist is this movie is an update on Casablanca?

I guess the formula Hollywood is running on is to retell the basic rom-com story every 5-to-10 years with the latest youngest actors. Sometimes they'll try to mix it up by having the guy *not* get the girl in the end (a la 500 Days of Summer) but even in many movies like that, the guy still gets some other girl (a la

I know, right? After all the online debating about unrealistic expectations by men pinning over and trying to win unattainable girls as "prizes," thanks to stories in movies, TV shows and video games — culminating in that excellent essay written by that Jeopardy contestant guy, we're now back to this: Swooning over

As he described in his manifesto, it appears most of these hot girls he described and longed for were unaware of his presence within their proximity; they were just going about their normal lives and happened to be seen in public by him.

Gawker/Jezebel may need to host his relevant videos, too, because it looks like YouTube is pulling them down.

All of this stuff he posted (videos and posts) need to be archived and saved NOW. Because the related sites and YouTube are pulling them down.

And the videos and messages he posted on forums are being pulled.

I totally agree, but to be fair, there's also the other side: the princess wedding, finding your soul mate, rom-com "ideal" that our culture plies on females.

Also, equally bad for both genders, is the notion of young love and that you should find your sweetheart in high school or at least college. Otherwise, you

"It's like one guy's very specific fetish, maybe." Most likely the original founder of Hooters, if I were to guess.

Yeah, I find Hooters' wings are surprisingly bad (surprisingly, since this food item is supposed to be their trademark). At least at the one near my office, the wings tend to be dried out. I actually prefer the wings that 7-11 sells, if that's any indication how bad I feel Hooters' are.

First thought came to my mind as well. The colors red and blue are contrasting and primary. The patterning could be used to help train the YouTube algorithm to identify content in videos, whether it is copyrighted video or other illegal subjects (such as porn). But maybe this technology could be used to help search

They just need to tighten the graphics.