
So like, Grimm, but set in the Supernatural universe where all female characters are either monsters or die horribly?

Dear god our precious precious binary gender roles! So inherent to human nature they must be enforced at all costs.

Like they could survive without wifi and cheetos.

I swear to god, even my boyfriend has pointed this, the men on Naked and Afraid are always the ones whining. The women always seem to have a higher mental tolerance.

Eh, I can see how it might fit right in with the whole ridiculous MRA ethos.

A) What do they think pre-agricultural women did all day? Their nails?

The nuanced idea of media critique escapes you, doesn't it?

You can't get a show like this made for women. I know a fair amount about the industry and execs and networks do not want to put women in these roles, nor do they want to finance shows in which women are survivalists. The view is that the market they're trying to attract is men, and men would rather watch men do these

My only issue with that would be that May would probably insist on killing him with her bare hands and Skye would probably miss.

Dayum. So if you overpower someone and they begrudgingly give into what is going on then it doesn't count as rape anymore? Interesting viewpoint. I'm sure he is going to regret saying (or implying) that.

This statement is troubling, though I'm also a bit perplexed that Martin's original scene gets a pass from so many. At best it's a deeply conflicted and problematic encounter from a consent standpoint. At worst, it's a far more insidious rape from the rapist's pov.

I have similar feelings for romanticizing the

Have you ever watched anything on television, and is this your first encounter with the internet? The #1 message that's pumped into us from an early age is that unlimited sexual opportunity is a fringe benefit of being successful on other people's terms. It begins in high school when we master the art of throwing a

Which is a great example of why there needs to be a greater standard of gender equality among all professions. The reason at lot of these men get away with this crap is because the only people policing them or judging them are men just like them. If people who don't write this off as "boys will be boys" behavior

Shit, they don't even have to be that rich, and that powerful, and it's because much of the time they can do whatever they want.

Because a lot of the time they DO get away with it. Ordinary dudes get away with it. Rich and powerful? You're bullet proof.

Yes, clearly the problem lies with the models, not with the creepy photographer who sexually assaults them.

In the one case it's preserving an adopted child from compromising their morals, in the other it's a girlfriend making sure her bf isn't sad. They're radically different moments.

The fact that the suffering of female characters is constantly used to illustrate how sad it is to be the doctor is kind of the problem? Like, "the fact that their girlfriends keep getting murdered is just part of the tragic nature of being a superhero" doesn't make fridging any less problematic

We noticed that the female companions are 'plucky', the mothers are nagging, bitter women with husbands/other male family members that just seem too beaten down to say anything except secret supportive words for their daughters or granddaughters. Thankfully that trend seems to be dying out lately.

Does anyone have faith in Zack Snyder anymore for anything? Knowing Snyder is involved in a project gives me no faith for the quality of said project.