I mean that makes sense ... but then if the show doesn't fit the ending you had in mind, just throw out the original ending. Don't force a long-running show into an ending that no longer works for it.
I mean that makes sense ... but then if the show doesn't fit the ending you had in mind, just throw out the original ending. Don't force a long-running show into an ending that no longer works for it.
Religious Person - This is how everything came to be and for disagreeing with me you will be tortured for eternity by actual demons in a magical realm.
Pointing out that the light couldn't have gotten here in a short time isn't smug condescension. It's science. If Young Earthers want to sit at the Big Boy Table they can stop invoking their hurt feelings every time someone points out a flaw in their "theory."
I am pretty sure the Ten Commandments is going to remain the best Bible movie I will ever see. Because Yul Fuckin' Brenner.
I suspect it shatters the fantasy for many of them. The girl that they're watching on their computers doesn't just live on the screen, she's an actual living, breathing person who is at their school... and she still won't fuck them in real life.
Please change the headline now that it has been established that Khali is a Sloth Bear! Poor, maligned sloths. Too slow to even mount a defense against this libel.
My family always says, "Your mother should have eaten you while your bones were still soft." Fortunately none of us are sloth bears.
"I ask you to retire me at a reduced rank and not punish my family, depriving them of benefits they have earned," he said.
The pension galls me almost as much as the lack of prison time. All of us will be paying this sack of crap for decades.
A grilled cheese in the toaster oven is a cheese toasty. And it's NEVER the same as a stove top grilled cheese. NEVER.
Enjoy it while it lasts!
I've given the matter a lot of thought, and I've decided that I want a new Ghostbusters movie. I am almost positive it will be bad, and I have no intention of seeing it, but I also know that they will market the ever-loving hell out of it. They may even market it hard enough to give me the one thing I want more than…
Just drop GB3 already. Nobody wants it. Reboot the damn thing with new actors if they want it so bad. I know that would break Dan Aykroyd's heart, but that's the only way it could be done well at this point.
I really, really wanted to like this movie as it's based on one of my favourite books. But based solely on the visuals of this, I'm not sure I can bear to check it out. It isn't just the lack of black & white, but also the look of the environment itself. Throw in Jonas being drastically aged up (and thus losing a…
I'm on the paleo fish diet. I only eat coelacanths.
I don't like to mention AoS and the Marvel Movies in the same breath, as they seem to be entirely different animals.
Meanwhile, on Arrow:
I know folks are going to argue you down, and even I have a slight issue with your approach, but there is truth to what you're trying to communicate. First, not all or most atheists are "smarmy" neckbeards intent on mocking believers. NDT and Nye, are IMO, the anti-Dawkins who aren't concerned with theistic belief so…