7shades: uɐıןɐɹʇsnɐ uǝʞoʇ

Same applies here in AU, except no amount of money will bypass the beauracracy.

W201's are great... Once you remove the fuckawful engine and replace it with something fast :)

Money or not, the guy's clearly insane.

Valid points right there. I'll admit anime is of a much higher quality than pretty much anything made in the west...

Because nothing shows faith like 4 inches of bulletproof glass.

I love Japan. I spend a couple of months a year there. But I f*cking hate Anime.

I've been dispensing these.

I'd like to clarify something for the North American audience, if I may.

Well that was rather lame and contrived... How embarrassing.


Yes, this is how we learn to drive before we get a licence.

Further reinforces my theory that all Russian videos are filmed with a potato.

Burn, TinkyWinky, burn.

This is becoming quite a trend down here.

JZX100, ftw.

Push-to-pass? Yes please.

What ever happened to celebrities all driving a silver prii as a means to attone for the sin of being paid utterly ludicrous amounts of money?

I'll rephrase.

I know this is a regular feature of Jalopnik's auto show coverage, but maybe this time you could have y'know... Forgotten to run it.

Can't possibly be China... The sky is blue.