$7Coffee - aka Pat Toomey is a Shit Weasel

I was going to make a joke about mass lesbian weddings before marriage equality gets repealed but then I just got sad so here’s a puppy.

I 100% agree. I grew up middle class white from Pennsyltucky. My whole family did. My whole family voted for Hillary. Even the ones who have never voted democrat in their lives because even they could see how bad Trump was. There’s no excuse.

That’s what I keep saying too. If you feel personally attacked by someone saying “don’t mock disabled people and let’s protect freedom of the press”... well that’s on you.

But that study is #fakenews by #fakescientists on #fakeearth!

I’m not annoyed either. It was more of an eyeroll moment then a #offended moment.

Mean or true? I think just true.

I think that’s irony in all this. Meryl is the “elite” and is out of touch because of how much money she has. Only one of them was born a millionaire and it was not Meryl.

You can’t say the N word or grab your coworkers boobs any more. That’s discrimination!

“Martial Arts is total art guys! It’s right in the name!!!!” - my facebook rn

I have no idea where the bleaching obsession came from. There are ways to die your hair blond that don’t look like you’re auditioning for Stepford Robot #3!

Hey look California does not speak for America despite holding 1/5 of it’s population. Meghan McCain is a trump supporter. She mutes her opinion both for the sake of her father and because she’s trying to play centrist for air time. She Tomi Lauren but not as good at keeping up with her roots.

Because it hurts her feelings!

Heck yes! I’m down!

Well I have case so we can share!

They haven’t voted against their own self interest. Their interests just lie more in kicking poor people off welfare and keeping brown people out of the country than they do with improving their own lives.

*starts packing*

It mean the working poor but only the white ones.

Didn’t miss much.

Something something less taxes something something illegals something I can’t make racist jokes any more blah blah he’s going to bring back mining jobs even though there’s nothing left to mine. That’s all I got.

Really? I had no idea. I felt like her vocals weren’t very strong in this movie. I’ve listened to the songs and didn’t have any OMG moments like I did with RENT and others.