$7Coffee - aka Pat Toomey is a Shit Weasel

Lol you’re probably right. This was 5 years ago and I’m sure the study was older than that. It did not account for regional variations IIRC.

Disappointing indeed.

Aw that’s great to hear! Some of the most miserable people I know are super rich. It’s weird how that works out. In my college sociology class we read a study that says money can only make you happier up to about $80,000 per person. Enough to buy a home and a decent car and save for retirement while helping your kids

Lol look I don’t have a lot of luxuries in life. Lotions, wine, and my XL cold brew with sugar free vanilla!

Yea it just seemed mean spirited and like maybe something better left for a group text between writers instead of blasted to twitter. Kris is great and I’ve never seen her be anything but nice and friendly to other commenters. I’m glad she didn’t seem too upset.

Lol no worries! I love SNS because we can all have multiple conversations at once and sometimes I actually do creep people.

Your friend is living the dream. I’ve never even gotten my eyebrows waxed. I kinda clean them up a little with tweezers but I don’t want to start waxing because then I’ll feel like I can’t stop. They’re getting darker as I get older too =/

Ah I see. I didn’t know that. Will you be able to stop the depo soon?

Well that’s good to hear. I’m glad he was able to scale down to something he was more comfortable with. I also think people with newly aquired money have other people in their ears saying “you need this” and they don’t know when to say no.

I’ve had the tretinoin Rx for a while for acne and was just never great about using it. I never felt like it helped my black heads that much but I was also super lazy about my skin routine in my teens. Then I forgot about it until I read it helps with wrinkles. I don’t have good genes when it comes to wrinkles so I

Hope so!

Oof that is hard. I have no advice there. Also thanks to his mom for the unnecessary pressure! Jeez!

Lol yea no baby mama drama!

I read today that they usually come around the 20th so we have time. I didn’t even think about spoilers! I’ll have to avoid them!

But then couldn’t you just get the IUD with the hormone? I’m not a doctor but I thought the point of paragard was no hormones?

The goodness is out there :)

The devil has enough advocates I alway say. I’m also cool with disagreement but I know too many men who like to “debate” because they think “debate” means “show you what a dumb little girl you are”. Ugh men.

It is. We were physically together for years before it started so that helped a lot. He had to move for work and because of my work I couldn’t go with him without basically pausing my whole career for years (not going to happen). Anyway we’ve done some planning with work and moved up our date for moving in together by

Good times here right now but a few years ago I ended a relationship with a really good guy after 2 years because I was bored. Really really fucking bored. We had talked about getting married, his parents liked me, he was stable and nice and did whatever I wanted and there in lied the problem. He just did whatever I