
@OMG! British Dinosaur!: I hear you; I don't have time anymore for fooling around with hacks and tweaks... but of course I've moved all of our home computers to Windows 7 and it does an excellent job of just that... Except the single OSX box in the network. It used to look pretty in the XP days. But now OSX is

@t('-'t): I'm thinking some things I'd like to see in Kinect 2...

@-L-: Exactly... I mean, it's like the Wii in the way that the Wii

Dang. Was looking forward to seeing how they were going to

@TheCrudMan: There are a lot more production houses using non-Apple

@blyan-reloaded: For sure, but all the Mac PCs I currently support don't have it and especially with the older ones it's pretty frustrating if they just have a Mac mouse or the older trackpad. Fortunately we've replaced most of the mice with Logitech or equivalent. With more than one button.

@blyan-reloaded: I haven't used a multi-touch Mac trackpad, just the ones on the previous Macbooks...

You gotta give him credit though. He's added a second, magical USB port to the Macbook Air. So although it's not quite up to where most netbooks are with a built-in Ethernet port (the world still isn't wireless everywhere) it's getting there.

@smcallah: Good question... why should a mouse have any buttons?

The quick memory sounds like a cool idea. Rumor has it that there are two buttons for the track pad as well.

@Liam: But isn't that just consistent anyway with what Apple generally does?

@Jackstick: I agree with you. But I bet Steve's perspective is consistent with Apple's general view of its users... they don't want flexibility, options, and more than one way of doing things (i.e. the single button) and they'll want what Apple gives them. So in the same vein if Mac PC users are able to just go to

Sweet! 'Cause hey, free trip to New York! I wouldn't turn it down.

It almost looks like a TRIPLE egg!