What is going on?

Yes I do believe that this case is not as much a cultural problem but rather an educational problem. The education system in the United States is considerably lacking when in comparison to other nations. Investment in your future and what you consider to be your outward appearance on the global stage is important,

If you condone violence both mentally and physically to this child then you share the same guilt as him.

Or the $2700 valve resets.

So this kid let me reinforce the word kid and his family will endure months of internet brave people such as yourself trying to prove that thier moral purity is unequivocal.

The one bad thing about the LC is the infotainment system from 2008


Ugh that’s highly disappointing.

I think people are missing the point.

I agree on the infotainment.

Have you ever owned a modern BMW?

It is identical, that is iDrive without question. That's not a bad thing since Toyota is terrible at making infotainment.

The hate of scooters is a American and Canadian thing. People drive these the world over.

I would rather have a third class ride then a first class walk.

I don’t see the EV market catching on with the vast majority of people to be honest.

😒 This face perfectly describes my feelings towards this.

Every religion in the world is idiotic. Religion has killed more people and then any virus.


A) Too expensive for a Toyota. That thing would be 85k plus easily. That would cannibalize Lexus sales.

I can’t wait to have this conversation with non-car people.

How is Lindsay Lohan rich?