Completely agree, Jalop is seemingly more and more click bait and more more infected by the political garbage over at Gizmodo.
Completely agree, Jalop is seemingly more and more click bait and more more infected by the political garbage over at Gizmodo.
That was the prices in Vancouver for regular the other day, 1.84 for premium....
Be Canadian
I would rather see the race stay in Baku the first time they raced there it was boring but these last two races have been great and put me on the edge of my seat.
That Grill!!!!!!!!
I never once called Harley riders idiots, I’m down for all of my two wheel brothers and sisters on the road and if Harley Davidson lures you into riding I’m cool with that. I was only voicing my opinion of the average Harley Davidson person that is in my direct circle of family and friends.
Cool bikes, almost 90% of them you can’t even ride but I’m down for mechanical art.
I’m a millennial (28) I’m by far the prime candidate for a young harley davidson owner.
ahahahah I totally agree.
Maybe Cadillac should stop trying to make American German Cars and make American Cars that are a Hybrid of German/British/Swedish Design (Cough Lincoln Aviator Cough)
I went to the local new car show and they had the new Jeep Wrangler there ($50k for a Rubicon with cheap cloth seats WTF!) anyways I’m 6' 5" and I can safely say my eye balls look over top of the windshield and if I rolled it my skull would resemble pulled pork in a bread bowl.
So are you a EIT or a Mechanical Engineering Technologist?
Given how scooters are the pinnacle of uncoolness on this side of both ponds and that the world can see you driving these I’m going to go for crack pipe. I think you can pick up a Honda NC750X for like $8500 and that thing sips fuel like it’s the last drops on earth.
Can you American fans help out your frozen northern brothers/sisters out and pretend to be Canadians to complain to TSN about our shitty commerical ridden coverage? To make matters worse there is only 3 different commercials on repeat for 2 minutes when they are on!
I never understood this.
You are a buzz kill, off to the next comment to troll....
You know the saying...
They had one car, finish fourth place for the first time in the V6 Hybrid era..... in a race that lost both Red Bulls.