
you are a terrible person.

What are the odds he takes a shortcut and becomes a policeman?

+1 billion page clicks

I took this screenshot, with way too many Pokemon stories on the Gawker main page. This was a few days ago, and there are so many more now.

Well, how the hell do you be cool? I feel like we’ve tried everything here

I’m really trying not to but you guys are making it fucking impossible

Guy on the right in the photo: “What would you say... you do here?”

Lebron was tearing them up well before Bogut went out. You don’t have to like Lebron, but he was dominant last night.

LeBron James, now 31 years old and carrying more miles than the car you bought for $800 when you were 17,

I always thought it was more buyer’s remorse. He wanted to repair his image in Cleveland, AND he kind of figured he wouldn’t be able to win another championship in Miami.

Kyrie Irving gets backdoored more often than Sasha Grey.

Takes this hot should have a black box warning label.

Maybe Love and Irving are overrated and this is who they are?

Yeah, all the coaching in the world and you're just not going to beat the Warriors with Kyrie Irving—and I don't want to get too coach speak-y here—completely fucking sucking.

I’m surprised nobody is talking about the moving in-game tributes each team payed to the passing of Muhammad Ali. The Warriors floated like a butterfly while the Cavs seemed to have died 48 hours earlier.

Maybe Lue is lying to obfuscate the fact that his stars played like garbage,

It’s funny how much shit Lebron is going to take when they lose this series even though no reasonable human expected them to win. JORDAN NEVER LOST A FINAL. Fuck you.

“He must complete a series of tasks with increasing levels of physical exertion, and he must be determined to be symptom free after each task.”

You bring up some good points that are definitely worth discussing. The conversation over “leaks” in gaming journalism is an interesting one, and one we’ve discussed a LOT internally. (I sit next to Stephen, and he and I have conversations about this sort of thing ALL the time.)