
I love that he wastes so much time with tough-guy posturing, too. He makes sure we know he'll kick an ass if it touches one of his female possessions, though said possession could save him the trouble by rethinking her tone before it gets that far.

Seriously, Get over it? The Ravens have won 2 championships and they still be bitch about losing the Colts over 30 years ago. SO FUCK YOU AND FUCK BALTIMORE

That they will accept him back? No question they will. People absolutely loved him and felt like he was really one of their own. That's why they were so devastated when he left (especially in the way he did). They were so awful because they were completely devastated. It's hard to explain if you weren't there or from

"Go on..."

Seeing as this is a copycat league some GM out there is assembling a Kwame Brown, Kenyon Martin, Greg Oden, Andrea Bargnani super team.

I'd like more circus. It's entertainment, I'd like to be entertained. This whole "rolling up the sleeves and getting to work" or "acting like you been there" mentality is stupid. If dude was a heart surgeon or held a normal person job, then ok. But no, he's a dude that gets paid multi-millions to dunk a ball.

I don't think your logic makes sense.

The Decision was a bullshit move. The whole circus was crap. Lebron WAS a cocksucker. Everyone knows it, even Lebron. Sometimes people realize when they've make a mistake. He's just righting a wrong.

In Northeast Ohio, nothing is given. Everything is earned. You work for what you have.

That's how easy it is to change a narrative. Stay off the television, pose for a tasteful photograph, write a letter, and play to the fancy of a few influential people who like the idea of the Midwest a whole lot more than they like the reality of it, and you go from selfish to TEBOW in no time.

Why be so cynical? Can people not grow and mature?

What terrible people. How is the NBA supposed to make any money if you just reuse old jerseys instead of burning them and buying new ones?

nice work. problem is, it's not exactly "hot taek" fodder, because I believe the conclusion you can from this is that Bird was better at some things and LeBron is better at others, and you have to take into accounts teammates and opposition etc. etc. Skip Bayless' head would explode if you gave him this, which...

i have 2 contributions. first, this twitter exchange:

Sure Charlie Brown, you go kick that football.

I need oven mitts to handle this take

Technically this graphic is incorrect. In the song, Bono claims he "can't live with OR without you" (emphasis mine). In that case, the conjunction "or" describes exclusivity. Therefore in the graphic, Bono can't live in the pink or blue area. He can live in the area of overlap (with AND without you), or outside

The US is used to having high Hopes after the event.

This is totally fake. If she was really in Australia, she'd have spun the other way.