
After learning that the Capitol policeman died of a stroke and not bashed to death with an extinguisher as the (Biden-friendly) media much repeated, I’m following this one with attention.

No need to slide, it IS already third-world country! Every following American president made sure of it. When they care more for that Hebrew piece of land thousands of miles away more than their own native soil, ta-da! American-made shithole.

Much to the haters’ dismay. And then, only the Lego HP do the best, will this do as good? 🤔

An expensive one too.

What are the 12 steps for those afflicted with still on-going Trump Derangement Syndrome?

I did Nazi that coming. There’s Göring to be some backlash soon.

Got the best outcomes on my initial game, not knowing there were any!

Sadly, nothing fictitious about that cancelling bullshit.

Consider the source.

Quite a hairy situation.

Because he’s not completely on the beautiful leftist bandwagon, he’s a turd.

You got some truly fucked-up not at-risk paranoid people commenting, seeing every person not like an ordinary human being anymore but a potential walking petri dish. 

Haha, the Capitol overrun by cosplaying yahoos!

I guess it was all about being a Never-Trumper or nothing.

If Courtside Karen can apologize so can Hillary the fake Spanish cosplayer but she probably won’t.

Fiery but mostly black people nominated. All good!

900 billion yearly defense budget, 1000 of chaos-bringing military bases worldwide and can’t even secure the Capitol from medieval fair cosplayers! HAHAHA!

Can’t expect a centanarian to survive any disease lashing at him or her. He lived a pretty good and long life!

I always regret not jumping on the bitcoin craze before it blew up only to immediately think that if I ever did good on that amazing crypto, it would’ve changed my life in a totally miserable way kinda like those lottery winners. Not only I would’ve burned all those millions rapidly, it would’ve also meant no more

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Its NHL equivalent should make a next-gen comeback too.