
Kinda gotta sell a shiftload of EV to make that money back, right?

I wouldn’t be surprised if he gets another 48 months extension.

Let’s believe the truth-telling CIA that the Kremlin is manipulating the elections, yeah sure. “Oh, by the way, between our benevolent regime changes arming jihadists and assassinations, Putin wants Trump to stay.”

Taste, sure. Class? Debatable.

I read the title Maury-style. ☻

The over-the-topness really turned me off.

How long can school be C19-postponed anyway?

Hong Kong is kinda their land since 1997 and will control it as they see fit.

With all the looting, burning, destruction of businesses, that piece of absolute shit Marquise Love... Very little to no woke outrage.

I thought it was some #metoo/harassment shyte going on.

Theu speak Weaselish, of course.

Growing clover will help to control weed.

Chile, just tell us what the hell happened when you were shot instead of that girlfriend nonsense. That “I was betrayed” doesn’t explain much.

Lil’ Zoë is so fine! I hope she’ll find another tv show.

And if much more realistic racism was shown in R2, the Wokanistanis would probably complain AGAIN that so and so is too racist, ugh...

I read that in the great Arthur Morgan’s voice.

It’s NOT a death sentence to be covided.

SMH... Didn’t they get the notice that anything on socials can help or in this case, rapidly hinder one’s personal and/or professional future?

OH! Easy there with the C word!

Imma side with the center’s directress.