
If you're going the speed limit... yikes!

LOL. I have a Yashica Electro 35G.

I do miss the Split prism focusing screen. My ME Super is still the best camera I've ever owned (I've owned 3 ME Super bodies... down to one at the moment). Even my Pentax Auto 110 has a split prism focus. BRING IT BACK, PENTAX! Also, give us a full frame sensor option!

I use cheap vintage '70s and '80s Pentax lenses on my K100D super. They are excellent quality prime lenses you can get for under $100 most of the time. But you have to shoot full-manual with them. Which I don't mind... I know how to use my camera.

They might be... but they also have two days to get to Austin. In supercars.

Something tells me that the timing of the Top Gear filming isn't a coincidence. My bet is that you'll see Hammond, James, and Jezza swing by on one of the next 3 days.

Bluetooth (if it doesn't come standard).

Now playing

MotoGP 2008 Laguna Seca was always my favorite. Stoner and Rossi duking it out and shoving each other around for the entire race. You've never seen such close racing for so long.

Thanks, very much appreciated!

I was actually hoping for some pics of the antenna and maybe some details on the build. I'm very intrigued. Looks like you have a good design going.

Pics or GTFO

Why would they take credit for something that was "a mistake"?

Because there are current video standards that necessitate 24fps and it is much easier and natural-looking to just drop every other frame than to drop every 25th frame (once a second you skip a frame and the action barely-perceptibly jumps. That's the sort of thing that will give you a migraine. If they were starting

Any way you slice it... the facts are that Obama supported the bailout as it happened and Romney opposed it. Those were the people being voted on this time... GWB wasn't running. They aren't allowed to run for 3 terms. Makes me sad how uninformed conservative commenter is.

Yes, The Artist wasn't the first with this concept... Singin' in the Rain has a very similar concept.

And Gizmodo thanks you for posting!

Be a man. Go full #beardlife. Don't cut your hair, either. Grow it all out. Long. You won't need a scarf.

Following isn't necessarily a flaw. It seems like a good place to go. And apple definitely didn't get there first.

I don't really care about a VESA mount on older iMacs... they seem to thick and heavy for me to want to wall or arm mount them. But this new super-thin style... it should just come with VESA mounting holes on the back because it seems so obvious.