
The time my car was in the shop and they gave me an old Subaru SVX blew my mind. What in the world is this freak show?! I thought Subarus were 4WD wagons and hatches. Sitting in this thing felt like sitting in an alien space ship. When I rolled down the window, just a little sub-window rolled down (WHY?). Then I

Most of the dialog that belongs to Buck Schmuck in the early script gets assigned to Buck Turgidson in the film.

I don't see it.

I'm glad someone got the reference!

"Well, sir, if the A/C's a really good man, I

Chipoltle's has an A5X

People are missing the real-world picture here.

iPhone 4 isn't a nomenclature mistake... it actually is the 4th generation iPhone.

Wouldn't a truly savvy investment just be a spring-like spiral?

Now playing

What about the GM Ultralite? 135mph, 0-60 in less than 8 seconds, 80mpg IN 1992!

I know there's not a lot of love for this kind of thing in these parts, but I would say one of the most forward-looking cars that was decades ahead of its time (which is one reason why it failed) is the GM EV1

Maybe the most advanced car ever?

Good one. I agree.

Yes, please.

Good to know. I saw one in person at the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Museum in Auburn, IN (they had one on loan for a while).

So we lose, what, 5 good movies?

Tucker Torpedo

I've driven one of these... probably the must unreal automotive experience I've ever had.

No taxiways, to boot! Make a u-turn right at the end of the runway.

This is gizmodo. The writers are high school interns, right?