
The problem is when you go for Rule 1 but grossly overestimate how “nice” a place and order something that’s just kinda bad. I still remember this watery Chicken Florentine I got at at local place that was just unpleasant. Everybody who got red sauce actually enjoyed their meals.

I’m sure the 15 whole people who worked there will be fine.

I was gonna say, McD’s and Wendy’s don’t hire the best and the brightest, but most of my other fast food experiences are just fine? I get great service at every Culver’s I’ve been too.

I keep meaning to switch to Diamond but I’ve never actually found it in a local store and can’t be bothered to order it online. And it costs about twice as much if I remember right? 

What the other poster said is true about the bread bread products, but when I worked there, all the pastries and cookies and stuff were just straight up reheated from frozen. 

My local farmer’s market has plenty of bureaucracy, but it’s mostly to fix prices and make sure no vendor stays open 90 seconds past the closing time and stuff like that. I don’t think they really care if produce is actually local or not because plenty of vendors will sell stuff that’s obviously out-of-season on the

Yeah even at the shitty midwestern casino I used to work at, dealers were pretty high on the pecking order. If I remember right, you had to do a month of unpaid training before they’d even let you officially apply for the job.

I loved my ice cream scooping job. It was in a touristy area so we were only really busy two days a week. The weekends went by too fast for me to really get frustrated at anything and all my co-workers were cute girls so it was aight. They sometimes trusted me to watch the whole shop by myself on weekday afternoons

My boss used to hook us up with food from a different fast food place up the street that his brother managed. So it was nice that we got tacos like once a week. But it turns out it wasn’t a quid pro quo as much as he was just skimming a 20 out of the register to pay for it. We had no idea, but he eventually got caught

It’s cuz Quik Trip was in the state first. They operated in completely different parts of the state until recently, but I guess that stuff is hashed out on a state-wide basis. Kwik Trip/Star is finally expanding into the Des Moines area though. 

This but unironically. 

Well yeah, there’s a lot of empty land, but the towns are still where most of the people are.

Yeah it’s basically my favorite chain pizza and it’s still kinda cheap compared to all the local places that charge $22 for a large. They’re pretty generous with the cheese and toppings compared to every other chain too, main downside is it’s greasy as shit.

Who the fuck doesn’t have hand towels and hand soap? I admit I have mine mostly for show/guests because *I’m* trash, but at least I have enough shame to have them around for appearance’s sake.

I don’t understand the point of a space antenna. We already have satellites that relay signals from earth back out into space. 

TLJ mentioned that he’s “trying to stop these surges” like it wasn’t actually his fault. I couldn’t tell if that was meant to be taken at face value or not. If he really was him causing the surges and it caused 40k deaths, fucker deserved to die a worse death than he did.

Yeah I was expecting something much more alien when he came upon a ship where everyone died, it was so unexpected.

White supremacists use the symbol to signal to each other so it’s now a white supremacist symbol. It sucks, it was a perfectly okay symbol until like three years ago, but that’s the reality of it. I guess you could say we got “manipulated” but it’s not like it does any good to ignore this shit, and it really doesn’t

Being “troll-susceptible” has nothing to do with it. Like what are we supposed to do? At this point everyone knows the MO of very-online racist shitbags (trolling, dogwhistles, plausible deniability). The white supremacists didn’t “troll” or trick anybody because an “ironic” white supremacist symbol is still a white

I mean, that $1500 could pay for what, two months of rent in a really cheap area and one in a more average city? People can afford a few nice things and still have trouble affording housing.