Sure, but that relies on the images being tagged further with those keywords... (hit or miss...). However images are already indexed by subject matter color. So, my suggestion was meant in the same area as “at the very least”.
Sure, but that relies on the images being tagged further with those keywords... (hit or miss...). However images are already indexed by subject matter color. So, my suggestion was meant in the same area as “at the very least”.
We do the same on the east coast. Central/northern New Hampshire in the fall and the Maine seacast during the summer is a treasure trove of plates from far and wide.
Just putting “car” or “license plate” in the search probably also narrows things down for those that use common words.
A little off topic, but today i learned Michigan has a Veteran plate specific to the Cuban Missile Crisis. A significant moment in time to be sure, but strange to have a plate for it.
AZ has some of the worst plates I’ve ever seen.
Well good. I’d hate for all the money i spent on personalized plates to go to waste.
(although what’s on the plate is a very common internet abbreviation, so not surprisingly it doesn’t come up)
Weirdly, if I put the non-personalized plate in from my other vehicle, I get a bunch of QR codes from a Dutch website.
My old car gets a Kpop singer. My current car gets a Lada that’s somehow painted the same color.
Fake news?
Step 1: place dirty fingernail’ed digit in front of plate...
Are you sure about this? I mean are you sure it’s not pulling stuff from your own photos or emails or documents or history? Google has a tendency to do that and show those results first.
Now is the time to try to apply for MILF GOOD again, see if it slips by . . .
Take the personalized license plate searches you tried. Do them again. This time clicking the Tools on the search results and select the color of the vehicle. I suspect that if you know the license plate number and the color of the vehicle, even the personalized license plate searches wouldn’t be hard to find if…
So, what am I missing. Google reads numbers and you can search on them, and therefore they might be able to pull up a picture of your car....
Shoulda blurred the Viper’s reflection. Google’s AI will Eviscer8 your privacy.
I’ve got news for you, this has been going on for a looooong time. I used to work for a credit corporation that rhymes with Hexperian. They had a program where they went and took pictures of license plates at various shopping outlets to sell data for targeted marketing. This was in the 90's. They’re just more…
They’ve been doing this for a while
I tried some of my plates, but mostly the things they are named after came up instead. However, one search was particularly odd. I searched for one of my plates, and almost all of the search results are of other license plates. But none are of my car or even close to my license plate, which is very weird.
People are always trying to track me down and kill me, that’s why I obscure mine in internet pictures.
Damn. I did a Google search for my old Mini RWM 998L. It’s there. I can’t post a photo since Kinja hates me and my ancestors...
My license plate says HAHA JK. My truck did not come up in the image search.