
If we give half of our taxes to the military, how could we give more than half to Medicare? 

That could be solved with some sort of valet service. 

This is the Comment of the Day for the entire internet.

You usually have to send in a copy of your DD-214 as proof. 

Some irresponsible politician probably knew exactly one person — perhaps a father-in-law — who could have used it, and then wasted a few hundred thousand dollars designing it, making it, changing all of the websites and brochures to show its availability, and finally making sure eligible veterans won’t have to pay a

You may want to look up the actual statistics re: who gets sexually assaulted more. Not that it's a contest, but the largest population of rape victims are men in US prisons. 

“the reporter...has been terminated immediately”

Even without a set price, what would be a reasonable estimate? Would it be more of a novelty or a reasonable option?

You're actually being "that guy" who commented without watching the video, clearly.

That's definitely true, but I thought you were saying they were just selling the possibility of getting one. That would have been amazing!

That's actually not price gouging.

You're saying the $5000 doesn't get applied to your payment once the vehicle arrives?

It seems as though you have a rather sophomoric understanding of economics. That, or you forgot to tell us you were joking. The way pure capitalism works, sir, is when the consumer has control. An unregulated market invites the seller to set a price as they wish, but must face the consequences of competition.

Confirmation bias is real. 

Everyone I met who drove a PT Cruiser did so because they were underwater since the day they rolled off the lot.

This made me laugh pretty hard! Perfect comment.

Laughing at the stupid people is how a society advances.

Props for picking up on the screen name.

Very solid comment. Well done.

I once went to one of those places under similar circumstances. Kid chose “closed system” when he got to the part about grease points. He and the manager were visibly uncomfortable when I had to explain to them why this is untrue and that the 05 Sierra has 11 grease points.