
40 years ago there was a Scientology school in Vegas, but not advertised as so, it was described as a place for troubled kids who had a hard time learning. Basically it was for kids who’d been kicked out of public school and there was no where else in town, at the time, for parents to watch their kids. My mother ran

In my ten years of working in NYC restaurants, everything from dives to fancy, my biggest culprits would be white finance dudes, out on a date, that wasn’t going so well. If I was the guy was miserable, I knew I had to keep an eye on him, they would ask for the check, give their credit card, make a gesture/pantomine

I worked on a couple music videos of his when his band was breaking out, so although my experience was a brief, few days or so, this is how I read him. He was very sweet, modest, extremely flirty, he had that makes you feel like you’re the only person in the room seduction thing going on. His band, on the other hand,

People have been known to feed murder victims to pigs.

I just chimed in to say, that’s some sexy ass gobbledygook you just said. Growl, purrrrrrrrrrr.

“you’ve got to be fucking kidding me”

Ya-aaaa, so good.

It keeps the bread from getting soggy.

Like dormant chicken pox waiting to come back as shingles.

Oh, I stopped trying to not hate people a while back. It’s very liberating, great for the digestion, frees creativity and I find myself sleeping much sounder at night.

I have a fake fur coat almost exactly like that. It’s actually like the one Madonna has in this photo. I lived in LA at the time and I rarely had the chance to wear it but it was very cozy.

I hope that you come out as unscathed as possible from whatever you’re trying to cope with. In the end these types of drugs always make things worse.

It’s amazing when some of us are lucky enough to have that ability to keep treading through all the sewage adults throw children into and make it out, somewhat, alive.

It’s a Vegas thing alright.

People get ill from fresh produce, especially greens, more than any other food category. It’s about 45% of all food borne illness a year - that includes the beef, poultry, eggs (separate category), dairy, juices and other processed foods (peanut butter).

She turned a blind eye so she could live a very rich lifestyle.

Every actor is “opportunistic”.

I’ve met both, separately, on a few occasions, and although CT is a very-very reserved person (kinda cold actually) she would have to become a tornado of human garbage to come any where near SP level horrible. He’s a total jackass!

I have the great pleasure of knowing him… he’s one of the nicest people e-v-e-r (so’s his wife Rima).

I hope it was a large number with several zeros behind it.