Elizabeth, thank for this article. There will be plenty of creepy dudes whining about it, however, you're doing God's work. Keep it up.
Elizabeth, thank for this article. There will be plenty of creepy dudes whining about it, however, you're doing God's work. Keep it up.
Outrage culture deep down is actually white people realizing that they are the reason that people have been outraged (mixed with being completely oblivious and not giving a shit). The knee-jerk reaction from mealy-mouthed dungeons and dragons straight white males in this comment section is pretty gross, but also on…
I agree it’s a stupid meme that has its roots in transphobia. It annoys me every time I see it. I also know a ton of trans folks who aren’t annoyed by it and have used it as a joke themselves, which doesn’t help matters in the slightest
Radical thought: if you aren’t a part of a certain minority, you don’t get to tell them whether they’re allowed to be offended by something or not.
This is to tell you all that I will not be posting “lovely lady” awards any longer. I’ve been doing it for almost ten years and have decided to hang it up.
Danica was a mediocre driver at best, with nowhere near enough talent to excuse her toxic arrogance. Lewis Hamilton, meanwhile, is another arrogant bastard, but he can fucking drive. People love him and excuse his cringey public persona because he’s arguably the best modern driver in F1. Guess who’s waking up at 7am…
I CRINGE at the utter misogyny of most car culture websites and forums. But I do believe that Jalopnik is very consciously attempting to counter this. This site has changed (for the better) since hiring you, Kristen, Stef, and Alanis. Great work, Elizabeth. You write with depth, economy, and precision. Good on ya,…
It’s... not hard... but awkward, to be a bi amateur racer as well. It’s easy enough to pass as straight, but once those gay slurs come out(and they often do).... ack. Do I say something to stand up or say something and possibly fuck up access to a tool or pair of tires that lets you have another run?
Good writing- and it is scale-able up to literally everything in society, not just motorsport... all the turmoil going on now is because these marginalized groups are tired of how it is just easier for anyone who benefits from the cisgender white patriarchy that we live in to pretend that “everyone is already treated…
Here’s how I look at it.
DRLs are extremely useful, particularly on 2 lane highways to give early awareness of oncoming traffic, ‘particularly grey/silver cars (see 1 or 2 of those right? Every 5 minutes~) on overcast days. I have a 10 yr old car with DRL and haven’t burnt out any bulbs. Some false economy there.