
I slapped these two shots together for comparison. I see lots of difference, but I still can’t seem to hop aboard the hate train. I like the top Mustang a little better, but I think that’s because the yellow car’s photography is abysmal.

“As much as high-minded critics might not want to admit it, Suicide Squad was perhaps the most important film of 2016.”

Oof, yeah. Like, I like bagpipes, but they’re finicky and have to be done right. This is not done right.

Potentially more depending on the states you’re each in.

The worst part happened when he discovered that Aaron Rodgers wasn’t actually inside the TV.

Pats played at home, Steelers away. So the travel time is not the same.

“You think that’s bad—you should see my videos of the things they say at practice”

I looked at your commenting history. This is your shtick.

Comcast plant! Don’t troll me!

the answer to that is

Agreed, especially considering her take on the X-men uniform was the single best version they’ve ever committed to film.

I’ve always wondered why Darius Rucker never put out a solo album entitled “Hootie Is My Slave Name”

....which leads to great villains, because the best are always the heroes of their own narrative.

I had my appendix removed when I was in high school, and in my 20s, I started getting stubborn sinus infections that just wouldn’t go away. I went to doctors, to ENT specialist and nobody could help me. Allergy drugs, dietary adjustments, lifestyle changes, antibiotics, you name it, but nothing really helped until I

... seemingly normal lives. They’ll never really fit into proper society again, actually.

I love it. Granted it ain’t for everyone, might be a Slav thing. Mr Belle makes a mean borscht.

We have Darth Vadar. Point. Set. Game.

I would spend an inordinate amount of time ogling that paint job as well.