It is a fish. A nice one at that. Jeabus you folk are willing to shake a pitch fork at anything. I’m a left wing East Coast nut and I catch 2 or 3 of those a year. They are fucking delicious.
It is a fish. A nice one at that. Jeabus you folk are willing to shake a pitch fork at anything. I’m a left wing East Coast nut and I catch 2 or 3 of those a year. They are fucking delicious.
Six ways to Sunday.
Fast Food has yet to equal the hot food glory that was Wendy’s Jalapeno Fresco Spicy Chicken Sandwich. It pulled a light sweat to my brow.
I am mayonnaise, I was not offended. I am not a clown.
I can’t wait to watch the first 3/4 of their contracts requirements.
I love the Adams familly. Watched it as a kid on TV, loved the movies.
It’s good to hear someone else comment on her acting. She is good but not great. I saw her on a chat show with the cast of Dark Phoenix and though she looked out of place with ‘real’ movie stars on the stage with her. Then immediately felt bad about that.
It’ll also be expanded anywhere from three to five inches in width, which will give the middle seat passenger a little more breathing room.
Breastfeeding in public is completely fine
as we know the mother has no other option most of the time.
Some people will always sexualize something that doesn’t seem sexual to others. There are people out there that like feet. There are channels that sexualize feet. There are other channels that just happen to show feet in a completely innocent manner. Should we ban those channels from a streaming service just…
Well that like, just your opinion man...
My boss came by my office yesterday while I had the interview on the screen next to me.
I’m watching because I haven’t had the time to read the report myself. I knew what I believed to be true but I didn’t know if I was right. So I wanted to see how he replied to both sides.
I cut the stem side off with a kitchen knife, then peal off the husk. 90% of the silk comes with it. Then I just twist the cob in the husk and the rest comes off.
Nxivm/ Alison Mack. Did we all forget that cult? Women can be just as bad as men when they have the power to do so.
Back in the day, McD used lard for a frying agent. There fries were the best ever. Today nobody uses lard, it’s all vegetable oil.
Will it play the original cards? I still have three or four in a draw somewhere.
So. I saw this article before lunch yesterday. I like their onion rings so I headed over, got my fish sandi and onion rings. I added a taco.
With the description of his CD collection, you may not have to. He may have it all on video which is now in evidence.
Every time I read about LCK trying to get back in, I read that he was rejected by the crowd. I used to love the guy, we are about the same age and he seemed to deal with a lot of the same stuff I did. Defended him too for a while. Now you couldn’t get me to go see him live. Heck, if he popped into an unexpected slot…