
I’m happy as heck for the both of them. But I felt dirty watching it. A cut away after the kiss, then back to them in bed exactly like they did would have been perfect for me.

It’s good. Not perfect but what the heck is? If you are right, swing by. I’ll owe you a beer and pie at the pub.

I’ve seen the move tens of times. I’ve been to one dog show, helping a friend who was buying a pure bread.

That is exactly $11.00 more than I have won on HQ Trivia

The size of the display shouldn’t matter. The console is delivering a signal that is 4k res at 60 frames a second. The TV then resolves that. 4k pixel is still 4k pixel no matter how large the screen is. The pixel size is what changes. 

Lane Splitter, where are you now?

Watch out, Christian Bale: Russell Crowe has achieved his final form as former Fox News chief Roger Ailes ...

I agree with you. But I would like to point out that the science short programs on Science Channel, History and Discovery often use female commentators. Granted they are in a ensemble cast of commentators, but they are there and presented as experts in their fields. It is not perfect but it is getting better.

I disagree. Lets spin the story a bit and see how it looks to the ‘other side’

Like most of us, I first became aware of him when he started representing Stormy. A few days into that news cycle I started thinking “This guy is a slime ball, why did she choose him?” I always thought he was unseemly.

LOL caught her last night. This show is gloriously awkward.

I haven’t had a chance to watch this week yet so I can’t comment on this article.

John Jacob Jinglehimer Smitt?

How is your fantasy team doing this year? Mine is off to a good start.

Minimum wage was $3.10 in the 80s. But everything else was cheaper and nobody needed to carry a $1,000 phone in their pocket. Heck, I bought my first car for $200.00 and the only thing it needed for repair was a headlight.

I’m singing the same song Eirk. When I started taking people out to dinner in the 80's a tip was 15% for average service, 10% for basic service (Bar/ over the counter type stuff) and 20% for excellent service. 18% seems pretty fair to me.

I was in Leon on business last year. I grabbed a similar sandwich on my way to the train. Ham, cheese, butter and bread. Wholly snit was that a good sandwich. Butter as a condiment? Yep.

no. A motorized vehicle gives you freedom and mobility like nothing else. These are poor folk who have nothing. The freedom of the ride is a huge draw. Add to that the rebel aspect of running the streets illegally and you get an activity that has the same rewards as heroin with half the downside.

I feel worse for the Bobcats, Raccoons, Opossums, Rabbits, and Foxes.

This book is one of the few that actually scared me deeply. His other novels are fun and occasionally spooky. Pet Sematary gave me nightmares.