
I played a bit this morning before work. Landed in a few corrupted areas, traveled to a few corrupted areas. Didn’t get any credit for going there. Didn’t find one cube monster. Solo, Disco and Squads. Hope the challenges are sorted out before I get home from work. Only a few hours to play before the World Series. (If

I love Gotham. I’m looking forward to this movie.

I’m ok with that. I loved Gotham and it’s re-imagining of the Bat-Mythos. As long as I go into the movie knowing it’s not on the canon timeline, I don’t care what they do with the characters. It’s fun to make an ocean wave wave.. no, that’s not right. It’s fun to see another side to a story.

If not, What was?

Because I’m a guy. Every morning I kill thousands of babies and toss that baby laden tissue in the bin.

Wait?.. According to the narrative I keep hearing from my right leaning friends and president is that the mobs and violence all come from the left. Why would a radical liberal attack Obama? I kind of get Hillary but Obama?

In a straight line maybe. The visibility of this car is horrible. I had one for a few weeks while my GTO was in the shop. High belt line, long hood, narrow windshield that sits way forward of the driver, and center mounted rear-view mirror that blocks a major portion the road to front-right of the car. Massive blind

There have been 1LE Camaros for ages. It’s always been a lighter/ faster car designed to be bought and raced. Buddy had one in the Mid 90's. They just have never been really all that common.

4th seems a bit tall for a 20-40 test. Heck, when I’m tring to accelerate from 20 to 40, I’m still in second. Even coming out of a corner at speed, I’m typically in 3rd.

Honest question. Which ‘first on NES’ Tetris do they play? The Tengen version, which was pulled from shelves after a couple weeks or the Nintendo version that replaced it? I still have my Tengen, haven’t played it in decades.

It’s been a long time since I looked at it but I recall the basic annuity on a $1M investment was @ $50K a year. So $4M invested should yield $200K a year without tickling the principal.

My rejection of this label for Warren has nothing to do with her looks, her legislative decisions, or the genetic makeup of the blood in her veins. She is not Native because she is not, and has never been, a Native American to anyone else, especially not Native peoples.

Double standard.

I’m pretty sure he is James Woods.

It is a serious problem. If you believe otherwise you are ignoring the facts. I have two people in my life that were affected by this. One, an ex girlfriend, went into surgery a few month after we started dating. She was given opioids. Up to that point she was pretty normal USA. Drank a bit on the weekends, smoked a

Roseanne was totally right—and totally shanked her old series by revealing, a month before the fact, one of the biggest of its tightly controlled secrets.

The early books were excellent from start to finish. Somewhere along the way he forgot how to complete a story and everything started to default to “ALIENS!” or something similar. I Dudas indeed. I used to love his work. He started to loose me after Tommyknockers. Misery was a solid story but it didn’t really work for

Please explain:

That might be the first time she has smiled in public. Almost seems human.

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