
No, I am not delusional, I believe her. Especially now that she is asking for an investigation and there are historical witnesses. She did talk about it with her husband and psychiatrist long before Kavanaugh was nominated.

I use three vinegar types. White, Balsamic and Apple Cider. They all have their place and are all excellent.

I have 3 dots. Two of them are connected to amplifiers / speakers via a wired connection. The amp is powered by a smart plug so all my routines* “Alexa, Music Please” start with switching on the smart plug/amp.

They both look like they splurged for the double-wide. I’m not sure if his Joe Dirt impersonation is being worn by her as an accessory, bringing her into the trailer park, or if she was trailer park to begin with. Mostly because I’m old and have no idea who she is.

Was looking forward to an Alexa enabled receiver.

Was looking forward to an Alexa enabled receiver.

Trump thinks that Kavanaugh will protect him from Muller and/or support him firing Muller. 

Having the FBI investigation first also puts the Vote on Kavanaugh after the mid-term elections. Dems want this badly, Rebs want to get the vote in before mid-terms.

The fact that she is calling for an FBI investigation seals it for me. It happened.

I don’t have to make it any more true. True is true enough.

Same in my school in regards to Helen Keller.

Meat on bread is a sandwich. Even chipped beef / turkey on toast is called an ‘open faced sandwich’. One slice of bread with gravy soaked meat on it. A sub/grinder, also toppings in a bun, is often referred to as a Submarine Sandwich.

TO: Okay, so they’re both... food?

You seem to misunderstand ‘journalism’ words. What you are looking for is ‘scoop’ THR and Deadline may have had the scoop but Giz also reported it. Just like every other outlet reported. Just because they were not the first to report it, does not mean the story they published wasn’t a report on Henry leaving the roll.

So I started the pod cast. 10 minutes in I realize “The Good Place” is the Talking Heads of Television.

are we still doing ‘phrasing’?

I find it interesting that people are complaining about the news coverage of this hurricane. It’s no more dramatic than the past 10 years. Anything rolling in over cat3 has had similar coverage. This sort of thing has been going on since Andrew. Andrew wasn’t really covered well and wasn’t expected to cause a heck of

Heck, it’s getting as high as my hair line.

Jeabus, the head rests almost look like they are below the window sill. It’s like they tried to make the viability worse.

You nailed it. I had one for 3 weeks as a rental when they were new. I had a 04'GTO in the shop and needed a good ride. The V6 Camaro had ok power. The seats were comfy. I couldn’t see shit to the right of me due to the mini windshield and the rear view mirror that blocked my vision. Rear view was just as bad, if it

Pizza Gate comes to mind. The many many blatantly false claims he makes on a constant basis are extremely dangerous because it serves to further divide the society. Even after they are proven again and again with hard facts and numbers to be false.