And after he went to your churches and your institutional learning facilities... Just one Pepsi.
And after he went to your churches and your institutional learning facilities... Just one Pepsi.
Maybe, but I’m also someone who was told by their doctor that they were clinically obese and I had to loose 40lbs. I’m about 25lbs lighter now, 15 to go. I wasn’t offended, I knew I was too fat for my own personal expectations.
He is dead. What is the point? There are plenty of living perverts out there. Heck, Rob Low was shown on tape with two 14yo girls. Chase that one down.
Two possible responses from the police to people protesting police shootings.
I haven’t watched the show and neither had the majority of the folks that were all up in arms about it. The “Fat suit in 2018!! WTF!!” comments come from the ‘body positive’ folk who believe that you are beautiful no matter how you look and if you believe otherwise you are an evil judgemental asshole.
The anger comes from the idea that if a fat person becomes thin, they will have a better life. We are expected to accept unhealthy lifestyles as normal.
Are people making money trading?
The tweets were not racist; they were jokes about white people, which is a different thing that is not racism.
I lived in the Greater Chicago area for @ 8 years. Local H used to play around all the time. One night they played a little local bar in my home town. Guys played for 4 hours. It got to the point that they ran out of their own stuff and just started doing covers for the last hour. It was nuts. I used to see them at…
Ah shit. I really like X. Not fan enough to dig into the band to know the members names, but I do like them.
I’ve always hear “Bruce” I thought that Bruce was a MF that kept ruining his day.
Unless you are mechanically capable, buying a 6 year old car is a bit foolish. There are always a few 2 or 3 year old cars in fine shape for a few thousand more that will be a better buy.
Excene Cervenka
While your statement has a lot of truth to it, we reference Lenny because he was original and ground breaking for his time. Tim is simply doing Lenny.
The removal of alignment from the game drives me nuts. I had a player trying to argue that he could play a necro among a party of ‘good’ characters and it shouldn’t affect the party. Sure bud, lets just walk into town with 3 or 4 undead following us and carrying our stuff. See how well we are accepted.
Actually I could see him doing that, he would embrace the chaos of the moment and dance.
Na, there are plenty of actors with range. Denzel is always Denzel, he never embodies the character.
I don’t disagree. But I think he could have taken his “Ghost Dog” persona and tweaked it for Book of Eli to make a really fantastic character.
I’ve never been much of a Denzel fan. After seeing a few of his movies, it started to feel like he plays the same character each film, with a varying degree of anger. Prime example, “The Book of Eli” could have been an amazing film with Forest Whitaker or Morgan Freeman. Instead we got Denzel and a meh story.
Our Joe Walsh is a freaking great song writer, damn fine guitarist and an all around good guy.