
comparison data purposes

As long as no ‘accidents’ happen, Kate will be queen.

Most cars weight in @ 3,500 to 4,000 lbs these days. It’s only been in the past 5 or 6 years that cars were being sold with over 350 at the wheels on a regular basis. We live in a golden age of muscle car. Heck, even the lowly Mustang GT is in the 1:9 range if I remember correctly. But on the other side of it, the

This I know. But I’m not a Ford guy, I’ve just worked on a few helping buddies out. I’m a LS1 5.7 guy.

Greene says Farenthold continued to act oddly towards her after she was appointed communications director, making, she alleges, “comments designed to gauge” whether she was interested in a sexual relationship, including tell her she had something on her skirt and then joking he hoped she wouldn’t construe that as

It’s nice but close to crack. Basically a good deal if you are looking for a FR-s with 250RWHP. If I were to buy a used manual 2014 FR-s with 36K on the clock around my area, it will run $16,500 all day long. So the extra 2K is fare for a SC that would cost me @$6k-$8K to buy and install.

302 is 5.0l

4.6l = 281ci

My GTO is 1:9. It is right there.

10lb or lighter pr/hp please.

Old white guy here with a question. First, I try not to be racist. I never thought I was, I have a black friend. Yea, I know, we all say the same. But I’m also a guy who just realized that privilege is real and I’m trying. I’m not here looking for validation, just trying to give perspective as to who I am.

It was a good show, but the final season was torture. I only watched it out of habit.

I was really hoping they were making a new season of Agent Carter.

Wana really see how things have skewed in the past couple decades? Watch Eddie Murphy Raw.

Courious as to how old you were when p/g came out? That was the first Rush tour I saw but I was introduced to the band earlier so I fall firmly in the ‘Moving Pictures/Permanent Waves period as my favorite era. My theory is most folk’s favorite albums from most long life bands are released in their high school years.

Consider the loss of talent, the hours of missed entertainment, that comes with driving off every single man who has ever assaulted someone. I mean, what do you all want? For no alleged rapist to ever star in a show again?!

Has anyone ever found an FM/Bluetooth transmitter that sounded ok?

Has anyone ever found an FM/Bluetooth transmitter that sounded ok?

Buddy of mine told me to watch it. Said it was essentially ‘That 70s Show” as adults. I didn’t make it through an episode. And I loved ‘That 70s Show’.

And dragons appear in all of them. Not in great numbers but they were the season 1 finale.

Modes. The top speed / acceleration modes will eat a battery. They just added a ‘soft launch’ mode to ease acceleration from stop to a lot of their cars (maybe all?). A soft launch mode will go a long way to increasing range and keeping the car to speed limits will too.