You don’t know what a “reply” button is.
You don’t know what a “reply” button is.
Love the Frank reference!
He’ll get an hour of yard time a day!
This will never NOT be hilarious!
The fish has a stronger chin than Jr.
“Hey honey, we’re on a river, let’s get out of here before any big storms pop up and we get put in a position where we may have to help people.”
The Hermit or Roasted Chestnut are two big brown ales I enjoy.
It’s also genius, Her idiot father doesn’t read and watches Faux news and you know they’ll never report it. So the word she’s standing up to him get’s out, he never knows and she can try and appear like she cares about something (other than making money) all the while doing absolutely nothing.
First daughter-wife
Tucker Carlson grabbed my junk!
I have no comprehension how they don’t know this is overtly racist. It boggles one’s mind.
Oooh he read card good!
Queue a stupid insensitive Ivakna Twitter post with her and her kid in 3...2...1...
“No one deserves to wake up to their loved one trying to hurt them!!!!! Ffs!!!!”
Hey, being on my own computer is my own time. Is it because you don’t understand personal time and possessions that makes you so angry. There’s a whole bunch of web-sites that can help you with your vast amount of obvious problems. Good luck to you, I hope your life gets better.
You sound like the type of person that gets off on brutalizing women. I hope you get the help you need.
These two dudes had monogrammed headboards, of course they were a couple.
I’m more than okay with edibles in church and I don’t even use any drugs.
Sometimes, just for a minute, maybe a day you forget how utterly horrible Dubya was as a human and a president.
As a straight man I always thought Ernie and Bert were gay, also liked those two cats a lot my whole life!