66671 - 200 [METRIC] my dash

Id take a Monza 10/10 times over this tho tbh

Move to Canada for the 15 year rule. And drive it for half the year lol

The only thing about this one is no plastic cladding (or at least a lot less). So hats off to Tesla for that at least.

And now a few more people are aware of his upcoming biopic.

What’s a USP?

Ah, good to know, thanks.

I rolled my eyes when I saw the 4 doors :(

Obviously itll sell way more than a 2 door tho lmao

If you know what you’re getting yourself into, I’d say that’s a pretty solid NP.

Looking up the word “endustificate” yields only one other search result on google. Interesting.

Meghan couldn’t hack it as part of the royal family, and succumbed to the will of haters who didn’t have a fraction of what she married into. She could’ve been a real woman and stand her ground in the face of opposition but pussied out and took him with her lmao.

Then again maybe she’d end up like Diana but idk

If you aint talkin PDK i dont wanna talk.

I never really listened to Rush but was always into rock/metal and appreciated real talent on these instruments. Can’t ask much more than to be as talented and legendary as this guy. Hopefully I can be half as good at something one day as he was on drums.

So you went through a billion different DS systems but left out the PSP Go? I was looking forward to the roast lmao

There’s a goddamn FAX MACHINE?!

Milk first all day everyday.

Funny how this whole thing works, isn’t it 

Oh cmon at least give us one!

Ok so the US killed a high ranking Iranian general and other military personnel and Iran sent some missiles that didn’t kill anyone but somehow he didnt come out on top? Lmao, Trump got his, and the missle strike by Iran was a purposefully empty excuse of obligatory retaliation.

My first car! A 97 LS400 with 204k km.

Maybe he had a better disguise this time.