At first I was kind of concerned, but, 180 kph is pretty fast, I don’t think the target demographic should be too worried.
At first I was kind of concerned, but, 180 kph is pretty fast, I don’t think the target demographic should be too worried.
It’s true, I’m cautious but also curious to see the new driver lineup in action as well.
Two weeks away already?! I can’t wait!
We could probably get rid of commies if major corporations like GM and Amazon paid their taxes.
WOW that is repulsive.
Correct me if I’m wrong but haven’t teams testing in previous seasons just stuck some useless “aero bits” on just to throw other teams off?
also 420 haha the weed number
Is it close to as good as Evolution was? Fusion just didn’t feel as good in terms of bike control.
That’s what I was gonna say, there’s no question mark anywhere lol
I can’t watch the video because I’m at work, but has the car been tested in a wind tunnel?
With all that money he spends on suits I don't understand why his shirts have that ugly ass collar that gives his neck a muffin top....
OEM is life
What’s wrong with the M3/M4?
Even on a low downforce track like Monza, I wouldn’t be surprised if F1 cars had more drag and downforce than a Indycar tuned for IMS, considering there are some 90 degree and high speed corners. I am completely guessing though.
Yeah, they removed the rear wing entirely lol.
An F1 *might* be able to hit some serious speeds on an oval if you trimmed a lot of downforce, which probably wouldn’t be illegal either. Idk how much downforce an Indycar makes on an oval compared to an F1 car though so it’s a guess.
EDIT: I stand corrected, in 2005 Montoya hit 372.6kph (231.523mph) in Monza.