1: People who want something expensive.
1: People who want something expensive.
How did I not think of this. Brilliant
In Portugal you can get a McBifana.
Out of its ass...?
I'd like to see this in arcades and stuff, but actually owning one? IDK seems a bit much.
You are underestimating how much double is in this case, and price has no direct relation to "performance".
Has that one been upgraded?
Yeah, but it's a fucking GTR. 2x GTR= ridiculous.
Ok, 2 TIMES AS GOOD, how much more can you get.
Wow, all women are sluts (I do agree with the rest of your comment though, couldn't say it better myself).
There's those who mean it, and those who merely point out those who mean it, that is all.
People who use the term Protective Knights of Male Whitedom are even more annoying.
Is it just me or is this sinkhole thing becoming some sort of a trend?
There's a new Vita?
Yeah I did too! I loved the speed races in Nevada, and the Japanese circuits.
Because its a fucking game, get over realism.