So.... no JC3?... No PC?.....
So.... no JC3?... No PC?.....
Is that sarcasm? If not, I hope you find a game that suits your taste in menus....
Working elevators would be very nice. That's something that more FPS' need: moving and interactive map parts. Really excited if there are more things like this.
It's still spelt with a G. Let's not try to change that too!
I'm curious, not including price, which would you prefer: Oculus Rift or this?
What's the red car in the 2nd picture in the article?
So... there's jaggies? Big whoop, why are you expecting the same graphics from the PS3 on the Wii U?
Well, the game never was scary or even atmospheric for me, but more just sad and surprising at many times.
If you haven't played the Walking Dead, I highly suggest it. Just make sure you buy the right one.
Yeah, I love his videos. All his barely recent ones and up are just fine.
I saw one of those 8 series before in Toronto. True story.
What's the one above the F12? I always forget the name but I really like that one.
I'm sorry but that is too fucking hilarious. I laughed too much. Thank you.
I think top speed is like a rate of fire on a gun. If my car can go 400 km/h, you need to find road to do that. If I have a gun that shoots 20 bullets a second, but only has a 30 round magazine, well, you gotta get a bigger mag. It's all about handling. Without control there is no speed (car wise).
Yeah, that's cool how there's a network of connected voice actors lol. And by buggy I meant the car chapter, where you drive everywhere. Good times. Also, awesome photo.
Was Odessa Cubbage the dude who gave you the rocket launcher, during the buggy chapter?
Offset sights. OFFSET SIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!
I just finished a paintball session with my friends at infinite paintball. You know where the public storage thing is by the highway? It was there by the bridge (also close to the movie theater).