
..And here I am cringing when I accidentally drop my wash rag on the ground, thoroughly rinsing it out in a wash bucket so I don’t get paint swirls. What is wrong with these city dwellers that they would let strangers scrub crushed rocks (dirt) into their paint for a stupid marketing stunt. I wouldn’t do this to my

Am I the only one just now learning there are mountains and skiing in North Carolina?

Rectum? Damn near killed him!

Pretty sure if he lands in the pipe, he gets transported to a bonus level....

If only every person watching had two long flat diversionary planks or in some cases one really wide plank to divert the water spout sideways if even a little bit. That really would’ve changed the whole scenario....

I have only gone skiing for one weekend in my life, and after these two videos, it seems that is enough for me.

It’s you who is stumped, and I am the only one here who has provided argumentation and has discussed the issue itself. All my points have stood the test of debate here, in fact I’ve trounced you leftist cunts so badly that you’ve all been rendered speechless, except of course the usual reply of the beaten, crying,

Geez, we’re talkin’ aboot real money, eh? Not this loonie toonie silly Canadian money.

Hahaha, first of all the Jan 6th protest had nothing to do with republicans, were mostly peaceful. Meanwhile there were HUNDREDS of violent riots directly supported by the democrat party all the way up to the highest leadership, they financed it, they CANCELLED our democratic laws to aid the criminals destroying the

I have to say I’m really disappointed......the Tesla didn’t SPEED UP.  Kids should not be playing in the streets!

To be honest, they barely did. The Wasp Major was years late and millions over budget (billions in today’s dollars?) and was bedeviled by severe problems. Particular with engines catching fire.

You been sniffing that starting ether again?

Otherwise it’s still just jerking off for the sake of jerking off.

This seems safer than Harbor Freight jack stands. 

Ar, aye, comesson wi yer lovage, yeh gtta grt luv Gerald, reet me bemmer? Ur? Ar.

No, sails don’t fall into the ocean when the wind dies to become several hundred pounds of wet nonsense you have to deal with.

Please don’t call them thieves.  They prefer to be called “deep discount enthusiasts”

Like riding the field trip bus past my house!”

BM = Pilot pooping.

Mr. Pagett used the indicator at the last. In a BMW. ‘There’ll Always Be an England’