
Watch “The Final Countdown”

I will take you off the list for the 6 cylinder Ford GT :)

Gary would

If FDR can see what his program has become, he would puke

It gives us the greens of summer

had one back in the day and LOVED it!!!!  Nice price all day

Awesome car for the time particularly with the manual.  I like the dual rear wing better.  Car is/was very distinctive.

The V1 was the buzz bomb

Had the exact same car. LOVED it. Super fun and pulled like a freight train from 30mph on up

I have a Linconln MKS that has both back door fill with water

Thumbs up on the Probe

I have one and they are fantastic vehicles

I had a 1990 GT. It was an underated car for it’s time

I hate it when it is the victim gets blamed

I LOVED those cars!

I have one of those knuckleheads. Horribly affectionate dogs :)