You got a weird way of joking.

If you value your sanity, the answer is no. Remote employees need to treat their internet like their car. It’s something that they have to maintain so that they can get to work. I told my people to call me if they can get to Google, and to call their ISP if they can't.

Looks like they’re also keeping medical benefits, which is nice. That’s the huge issue with healthcare being tied to your employer, it goes away once you’re fired. And the cost of buying private healthcare is way more than it would be it you were simply taxes, like any civilized country. Or uncivilized, for that

Crew cab trucks are stupid! I can carry everything in my minivan!

Ahh yes, because if the human wasn’t destructive enough, lets get the four legged child that doesn’t understand english and is even more likely to shit on my floors.

Bwahahaha! Where does the child seat go?

Just buy a lottery ticket and win a (barely) Michigan Street Legal jeep owned by our own David Tracy! All proceeds to go to the psychiatrist coordinating the David Tracy intervention.

I could only imagine all the childish articles that would be written about “MANUFACTURE X, THE OVERLORD CORPORATE ASSHOLES, HAVE $XBILLION ON HAND BUT CONTINUE TO UNDERPAY THEIR AMAZING WORKERS” etc if these companies actually did pocket tons of money year after year. Is there a world where auto unions don’t endlessly

Here’s a couple things. And I can only speak as someone that does environmental compliance for a natural gas fired power plant.

Nah you’re good. Pack snacks, pee on the side of the road, and clean your hands after paying at the pump.

Not to mention the complete lack of direction on this from the state. Okay, so I have a business that I no longer physically have access to. How do I pay the bills that are being sent there, do I get all business mail forwarded to an employees home so they can do payable processing? Oh wait they can’t cut checks

Doesn’t look good, but let’s be honest, if he really wanted to hurt them, he would’ve called the cops on them.

“Know the signs of a racist having a stroke.” - Surgeon General

As a result of this report, Gizmodo and all the other G/0 media sites are going to quit pimping Amazon products,right? If not then you share some responsiblity for these peoples injuries.

It’s not that complicated. They don’t pay much if any corporate income tax because there’s a substantial tax credit for investment made into Research & Development, a tax credit for giving your employees’ stock options as compensation, and for depreciation on physical assets.

The takeaway here is that parents don’t necessarily know what’s best for their children. 

My first thought was that “high energy and fun characters” means the plot and pacing suck.

The fact that the blogger wrote a number of incorrect things in this blog, and we still have people taking these as “facts,” shows how fucked we are as a society.

Yup, it’s pretty cut and dry. 3 authorized entities are listed:

Its a fight every-time someone brings up pickups. I’ve been using and around real WORK trucks all my life. They haven’t grown in size. Old trucks body ended on top of the the frame, new trucks bodies extend down past the frame for improved aerodynamics. With few exceptions they are about the same size. Pickups have