
That 3-wheeled electric almost-car he made is partially responsible for my being able to read! My mom picked me up some kind of children’s encyclopedia on inventors in like 1994 and I remember looking at all the pictures and this one will always stick out I wanted to know about it. So slowly over time I pieced

Fleet, Rental and/or Lease originally delivered in Minnesota according to a screenshot of a CarFax from 2011, that I for some reason by this point have migrated onto several external drives.

Parents had an 88 1 ton GMC square body when I was growing up that had big ass fresh air vents, those things were great in that truck with no A/C.

My first car, 1992 Ford Taurus “L” fleet delete all options including A/C and cassette deck, the most basic of base models. Had a factory installed block heater, someone somewhere ordered that car new and only checked the box for block heater.

Keep the paint, sure. I’d need a break as is… However I’ve always been more partial to the 4 headlight models anyway.

Checking back in, just about 8 hours later. I can confirm that the Super 7 was indeed the highlight of my day.

I knew most of them, but the Genesis one I for sure didn’t know about. Makes perfect sense though. Speaking of Lotus, saw a choice looking very real PA (purple) antique plates, yellow RHD Super 7 getting on to PA 283 towards Lancaster city this morning. It may have been the highlight of my day.

3 positions is hardly the end of the world, if he wants it enough and his car is good enough there is no problem. I watched several replays of the wreck. Max and Lewis both wanted the same spot, no one gave an inch, Max hit the curb. Had Max not hit and launched off the curb, I would be interested in seeing his next

When I was 4 I wanted a NASCAR® themed party, my mother delivered. The dining room was turned into a Winner’s Circle, they got cheap checker board linoleum to unroll on the floor, dad brought some of his used race car tires in the house and had them stacked up at the back wall with a trophy. I wore an old homemade

Subaru, each day you stray farther from the light.

Irv Gordon’s ‘66 P1800 and it’s 3.25 Million miles agrees with your logic.

I wish I could tell you how many truckers I deal with on a weekly basis that show up to my place of employment with just laser printed MapQuest turn by turn direction in 2021. It is good to know at least that something is available out there.

Let me preface this by saying I wholeheartedly agree with what you’re saying here, you would think that would be enough, but look at how well that works for the (formerly) 11'8" Bridge. People are still hitting that thing even after they gave it more clearance.  

Maps and GPS apps really need to have some sort of feature included in them that you can add the height of your vehicle and have a database of bridge heights to check the height of the vehicle against. Not that the majority of militantly ignorant people would use it, but it would at least be a step in the right

At least the dead deer are far more predictable than the living ones.

Christ, those are coolant pipes. I was so taken aback by the structure of the thing I just gazed past them as oddly small exhaust pipes forgetting the layout of the car.

The US is just a pay to win mobile game. You can get just about anything authorized so long as the “Pay to the order of” line on the check is written out to ‘insert State name here.

Having been around race car frame construction my whole life, that non braced and stacked square tube frame rails thing that is going on there... It’s gonna be a no from me dawg.

License requirements are laughably remedial which leads to an aggressively ignorant population, add a dollop of obliviousness and relying on the car’s computer to get the driver out of hairy situations, and then the cherry on top of the shit sundae is a lack of respect for anyone else that has to exist in the same

2nd Gen Ford Taurus, a 1992 “L” trim fleet delete specifically. It wasn’t fast, it wasn’t efficient and it certainly wasn’t exciting, but what it was dead nuts reliable, there was nothing on it to break. The only thing to ever keep it from its destination was gas money. It was not luxurious in any way, but it was