I’m not sure if I’ve ever actually seen one of these or they’re just so underwhelmingly bland that I forgot they existed... Either way being the weird car person I am, I am in no way interested in it for this price.
You can set it up right in the terminal software of your choice, connect right to your modem, and save your WiFi information right on the the device (idiot proof instructions are included with adapter). It automatically initializes when you open the terminal program the next time. Then use your standard Hayes modem…
You may want to research “Lamborghini Trattori”
Clint is the man! He actually inspired me to do it with his 486 build video. It’s running Windows 3.11 (our first family computer was Windows 3.11 Packard Bell Legend so it’s super nostalgic for me) and also MS-DOS 6.22. Genoa VLB motherboard, Cyrix DX2-66 CPU, 20MB of RAM, Cirrus Logic 1MB VESA video card,…
You get a star for the sole purpose of getting me to say “Oh shit, yeah that’s right, the Zune was a thing” audibly, at work, in front of people who gave me a very puzzled look.
Pshh all you plebs with your single color cars everybody knows a real classy person won’t drive a car that isn’t two tone! (Is two tone even a “thing” anymore?)
Back about 15 years ago my mother and I both had 1992 Ford Tauruses (Taurii?) her’s had a tach mine did not, both low trim level both automatic, no idea why? Mine was a completely different gauge cluster at that... Being 16 I put in a pillar pod tach, because teenager...
I hear you, I picked the worst time to build a decent PC but its a long way ahead of the 6th gen i5 Dell laptop I was running. If you want to experience expensive PC parts hell, do what I did during the lockdown last year and build a top of the line 486 for retro gaming... It wasn’t hard to find parts, just hard to…
4th - what can’t be accomplished with negotiations and meetings can always be accomplished with communism! Also calling Huawei a phone company is like calling Lamborghini a tractor company...
It was the base model, automatic sedan, with fine features such as manual windows and a cassette deck. The 0 - 60 was in the ballpark of 12 seconds and it’s top speed if I’m not mistake was 90mph
2003 Ford Focus with the 2.0 SOHC at a factory rated 110 HP that had a vacuum leak because the rubber boot on the crank case pressure line disintegrated on the end where it connected to the block. It took quite some time to locate it and find a suitable elbow to fix it. Even after it was fixed it had zero grunt at…
Back in the mid to late 90's there was a guy in the Harrisburg PA area that had a street legal Sprint Car which he used to drive to the races, however I haven’t seen it in well over a decade, but it has been done. I don’t know where you are, but Pennsylvania has a “Specially Constructed Vehicle” title available and…
If I had the extra scratch, and it wasn’t located on the opposite coast, I would HIGHLY consider placing a bid. The paint and lettering don’t look to be original so I wouldn’t feel the least bit concerned giving it a period correct restoration. It doesn’t have to look ridiculous to draw attention to itself, its an…
I will use the GPU allocated to me by the Motherland, I will love the GPU allocated by the Motherland, I will live by the GPU allocated by the Motherland.
You will never know the excitement I got yesterday from “winning” the Newegg Shuffle for the opportunity to score a 3060 at retail price, and all I had to do was buy some outdated lastgen MoBo with it. It was like finally reaching the front of the breadline, just so long as the card isn’t 73% sawdust I’ll be a happy…