I think you're my new hero.
I think you're my new hero.
This is exactly what I've been thinking all day. He's never hidden his hatred of women. I'm not at all surprised.
I’ve always believed Snoop hated women, but thought maybe he’d grown a little over the years.
I’ve resigned myself to the fact he probably will be reelected. He’s got the racists, the evangelicals, and the wealthy votes locked down.
Terry was wrong.
Came to the comments to see who could say “this is some dumb shit” the best. You win!
There’s gonna be some weeping and gnashing of teeth, that's for sure.
I understand the desire to be civil and go high when they went low, but I hate that the barbershop owner went into the "we're The Good Ones" mode. Black people have the right to the American dream, regardless of whether white people consider them to be the "Good Ones".
Mayor Pete is the white guy who walks in the room, sees there’s only Black people present, so he’ll try to make small talk. He’ll try to act like he’s hip, show how ‘down’ he is by name dropping athletes, entertainers and the like. Then as soon as some white people come in the room, he completely forgets the black…
Lawd, just watching that was embarrassing. Cringeworthy af.
And of course they’ll complain about ‘their’ tax dollars being used to support the children of all those women who had babies just to collect the welfare.
LMAO at the idea of the conductor thinking ‘I’ll just ask this little lady right here. Won’t be any problem getting her to just comply.’
I’m not especially interested in the Royals, but I enjoyed reading about the different women mentioned in the piece. Looking forward to your book!
Lately I find myself thinking a lot about life before Trump. There’s pre 9/11. For those of us from New Orleans, there’s pre Katrina. Now there’s pre Trump.
More proof that anti-choice does not equate to pro-life.
This literal lack of representation perpetuated the everlasting idea that black women do not exist
Mike Tyson casually referred to women as bitches, and no one condemned it. Not even Jay.
I believe when the Affordable Care act was enacted, access to one's medical history was somehow involved in it. I've been to different hospitals and doctors and been shocked when they started telling me what meds I take, different insurances, etc. I'm not clear on what all is involved but there is some access.
Yes. A lot of commenters call him mediocre. Idk about that, but he's definitely TYPICAL.
My question is “But why, though?”