Protilius Maximus: Artist Educational Resource Archive

I'm going with the "Oh crap, thats an alien settlement's solar collector field reflecting those two light sources on its surface. (Sighs.) Lets stall until April to reveal anything conclusive to the public. That should give us enough time to work out a good cover story. Ok... So when is SG42 due back from Alpha

You have to throw in a Yellowstone explosion...

Dude... That game was my sequel:)

Loved how authentic the atmosphere felt.

Man.. I love these.

Alien 3 killed two main characters 5 minutes in...

After that, it was hard to swallow a story that "should have been a film that took place in the universe, but was never a main course using the main characters."

Had they not butchered Hicks, Newt, and Bishop entirely in exchange of "Prisoners gone feral..." It could

I'll post what it tastes like after I clean up the floor.

Wow... I've seen everything.

They made Power Rangers cool as all hell. I'm going to go cry myself to sleep with conflicted feelings on dubstep and my childhood television programming now.

The flute... When he pulls it out of the probe's container... Tears.

I gotta wonder how quickly the show would have been cancelled if it were produced by someone with today's mindset on "whats socially acceptable."

I think they did some great work... And I also think NBC has a horrible habit of canceling great shows over behind the scenes stuff.

The important part is even though things

Hope it lasts... South Australia Adelaide is still down for PSN on Ps4, although thankfully the PS3s all work online yet.

I was just going to say... Wouldn't we in turn build some awesome subs that could patrol 5x the territory with new tech by then?.. Just not as many?

Love the new direction, love the new Bond, love the new feel to the legend.

Great write up. Thanks for the distraction.

Until Dead Rising 3 gets ported to PS4... I have zero empathy.

Come on... The helicopter crash in the first twenty minutes was fantastic and you loved that sound design:)

Maybe in a world where Transformers can crush box office records... Cameron has the right to talk a little smack.

Seriously? PORN?

Hold on now... There's room for both. I'm about to have a kid and love the Ice Pirates quality of this flick, I also love the Dark settings that "Days of Future Past" and "Dark Knight" presented.

No need to be so "crusade like" against dark movies is all I'm suggesting here. You don't hear me slamming Frozen over