No need to even read. Parts on this alone are worth the asking.
No need to even read. Parts on this alone are worth the asking.
It’s all ogre now for Bing
I don’t know what that was, but it was awesome.
Neutral: Would you buy a Golf R right now with the discounts? Yep, if the basement wasn’t getting finished.
Still a sexy car.
No f’ing way. CP.
I sincerely hope you’re being sarcastic. There is never a situation where it’s OK to burn someone because of your own stupidity.
Makes you realize there are some weird people out there.
A little repair to be expected. NP all the way for something still in really decent condition
I’m so sorry.
Even when I drove the original Model S (pre-90, D, whatever) I giggled like a schoolgirl when that thing took off. I can’t imagine what that would feel like in an SUV/minivan.
If it was up and running, $6500 all day long. As it sits, $4000 max
Your name is Bun Bun. Legs to stand on? None.
Time to start messing with people and replacing the Ecoboost badges with ones that just say “Turbo”. John Q. Public’s head would explode at the thought of all that performance being available in a rental Fusion.
“Suede may have been good enough for Elvis, but he also shot at TVs and died on the toilet.”
Soccer moms everywhere rejoice! The Tesla brand and doors alone are going to sell crap loads of these things even if the rest of it is meh.
What’s even funnier is that someone took WAY too much time to type that up, change the font colors, print it, and then put it on someone’s car. I bet they have a stack of 20 in their man-purse while they prowl the mean streets of Portland in their 10 year old Prius looking for innocent TDI drivers to shame.