So it seems the Patriots are a bunch of cheaters. In other news, grass is green and the sky is blue.
So it seems the Patriots are a bunch of cheaters. In other news, grass is green and the sky is blue.
Thanks for reminding me to get milk Doug, in my rental Chevy Cruze :(
AMG is a big offender on these, too. Seriously, take a close look next time you’re near anything that is a 63. Itty bitty exhaust outlet into big ‘ol tips. Somehow they still make a great sound, though!
A piece of crap is still a piece of crap, regardless of miles
E63 sales are going to get whacked because of this. Time for a Black Series wagon!
Talk them down to $1k just to do them the favor of ridding them of this failure. CP at 2
Where are all the Yugos?!?! Surely one must have survived there!
I want to drive with none of those people
Michigan! Top of the bottom third!
6. Car chases. What fun is watching Ronin if the cars are going at the same speed on the same path and not causing pedestrians to leap to safety?
Shed? This is a tool BELT find
He had the Blue Genie as a gimmick and a late night infomercial in Las Vegas. Hilarious stuff
This thing is damn sexy
Seeing it “deploy” in person is pretty cool though
And here’s a Gen 1 (automatic unfortunately) for half the price.
Not going to dispute that it looks stupid, but it’s not meant for downforce. It’s meant to quiet the cabin at higher speeds
Exactly! Where’s the Yugo?
Didn’t read the article. Only commenting on the headline with, “it took you this long to realize this?”. Simon Pegg is kickass and Timothy Dalton, well, how can you say no to the real star of The Rocketeer?
Motor swap into....?
And the V-Sport is an EXCELLENT alternative. I was completely impressed when a GM friend of mine let me drive his for a little while. He was in the vehicle too (should any GM legal types be looking at these comments)