Bint Alshamsa
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Lasseindra Ninja! *swoon* The entirety of that battle royale is here:

I always wanted to do a death drop. But I want to have working knees and not get paralyzed more.

I loved the dress, and then she turned around and I loved it more! :-) I like design surprises like that.

You wanna know what is the most disgusting thing I have ever encountered? At aesthetics school, our instructor happened to casually mention something called "black hairy tongue" as something that happens to people as a result of horrible oral hygiene or, rarely, as a side-effect of some medications. The photos I

But if you are a white Australian trying to be a rapper, don't you think it makes sense to work THAT MUCH harder for acceptance in the rap community?


Yes I definitely heard some ATL in there but it popped up randomly, and I thought 'oh she's just listening to different hip hop albums and imitating all of them." She wants to be all the rappers!

Since I've got your ear, plz tell your fellow cops to stop "furthering the discontent between the police and the public" by murdering people, thx

And definitely *don't* go looking for naked pictures of him...

If the NFL had any fucking clue, they would take this and run with it instead of trying to show that they are finally taking the controversial and brave stance that beating women and children is a bad thing.

It's great to see this inevitable showdown: young black men who play in the NFL and conservative white men, the NFL's target demographic. Nice to see Hawkins representing his side well.

Agreed. It's unbelievable, and unfortunately very telling, that the Open Carry people in Ohio have been pretty quiet about John Crawford. I know there have been some protests, but nothing close to the outrage they have against Obama and Dems for doing exactly nothing about guns ever.

A call for justice shouldn't offend or disrespect anybody. A call for justice shouldn't warrant an apology.

Agreed. I saw his name on that shirt and wanted to applaud. The two names just happen to be Ohioans and also happen to be the two names where there's no grey area or room for conjecture on their killings. They were two citizens who were flat out executed by two cops, with documented incompetence/negligence issues,

I'm putting a stop to this before someone says Hawkins is the only shoe that fits.

Damn. I wish I was his lover.

"To clarify, I utterly respect and appreciate every police officer that protects and serves all of us with honesty, integrity and the right way. And I don't think those kind of officers should be offended by what I did."

I'm sure that officer understands, wherever he is.

right? I grew up in Hong Kong and spent my summers in mainland China, and it always annoyed me so much when I saw white people coming into stores, buying artisan crafts and silk tapestries and the like in bulk, and talking loudly about how much they'd be able to sell the items for back home. I understand that selling

I think the fact that she started out by ordering native craftspeople to produce what she wanted and selling them at a profit was.... maybe an early indicator that she wasn't going to be the worlds greatest employer. :/