+1 irony for the double post.
No, the jam is being caused by cramming 3 lanes of traffic into 2. Merging early does nothing except move the traffic jam further upstream.
There are so many people that are morally opposed to zipper merge. It's depressing.
Actually merging at the merge point is the most effective method of merging traffic. Early merging, followed by blocking merging in the open lane, is what causes the pile ups.
I disagree with this article completely. Most people see ethanol production as "corn in ethanol out", which isn't true either. After the process ALL of the corn mash is sent back to the farms to feed cattle, hogs, etc. Some facilities offer this product as wet distillers grains, dried distillers grains or some forms…
One thing you're missing in your argument is that being an accomplice or accessory, under the legal system I've been practicing, does not require intent. In fact, the failure to act in most cases is enough. For example, you and a friend go in the store, you see your friend pull a gun. if you do not attempt to have…
Ah a better rez version - thank you! Now, at the 50 second mark checkout the guy in the white top and dark helmet who lunges at the passenger side door. A split second later Rover takes off - he is the trigger IMO. That man lunged at this guy's wife, mother of his child. He hits the gas and that guy falls back, you…
If you find yourself in Lien's situation, I would advise that you:
There is clearly something already in progress before the bump. There was clear road in front of them. Yet these guys instead of just going on to the horizon slow to the RR's pace.
I like your point about Mieses, he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. However, I strongly believe Lien is immune to any civil lawsuit on the grounds that he definitely had reasonable expectation that the OTHER gentlemen were about to engage in or in-progress of felony destruction/assault/carjacking, etc. This…
Move to the right.
Well, Lien didn't do everything right. As you can see in the video, other drivers make it out of the situation okay by moving slowly to the right. The riders go by those cars, but Lien remains in the center lane, gets brake-checked and things go downhill from there. Lien did call the cops early in the incident, it…