Brooklyn Dodgers, FTW!
Brooklyn Dodgers, FTW!
Socialist, Communist, Fascists!
Drive one yourself. This review is highly dubious. Volvo haven’t been making cars in the 240 market for a long time. I have the previous generation V60CC and the only complaint is the back seat leg room. I think they moved the seat back in this gen. More leg room now less cargo. That is what I would want with my…
Of course, But what did you get you son?
Na, The idea for microwave heating is older than Apollo. Crazy WWII solders would sleep on the radar dishes to keep warm. Little did they know they were cooking themselves.
No the radar signature that it returns from out enemies weapon system, FKing hell.
Those Curbs!!!
Not worth the wait. C9 anybody?
Not worth the wait. C9 anybody?
Was just going to say the founding fathers were all some of the richest of the new world, some (most in the south) owned people. They all just didn’t like the East India Tea company having such power in the British parliament that the colonies were taxed without representation in said parliament. They gave us…
Not sure how HE personally can take responsibility. Cars take more than 4 -6 years to reach market. Anything that he had a direct design, product feature selection, or styling will be coming out a year or more from now.
In Pa, the one lane of traffic backs up so much that they have to put a sign “use both lanes to merge point” just to remind people that it is the correct thing to do.
Uber and lift are playing match maker with drivers and riders. They are competitively offering low prices for drivers and up them a little. They are controlling the demand from the riders and maximizing their prices during driver shortages. Uber/lift are services matching the two. The question is what is the value…
Red or Carmel brown or go a way!!
See with green too.
Nah. Its the only one that goes with a red interior.
Not sure what your metric means. Base mustang is $26395/310HP = $85.15/HP. So why would anyone prefer to pay a higher $$$/HP?
But the definition of content required them to be “suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol.” Still seems inconsistent.
What bothers me about Celsius and Fahrenheit are the sizes of the “degree”. The steps are smaller in Fahrenheit such that we talk about 5 degree changes as being meaningful. No body can tell the difference between 78 and 80 degrees in body feel. However, 25C and 27C are very different.
A chicane.