Seems like they let the libert-aide go to their head.
Seems like they let the libert-aide go to their head.
They didn't want to upset the other passengers.
Don’t forget warped rotors.
Yeah, it might as well be 2x the cost with 2 cars 1 driver. I was surprised/pissed when I learned that.
Agreed, human eyes are not as sensitive to blue so it takes more lumens to perceive the same intensity. That means that you saturate those cones much quicker from other broad spectrum sources thus killing any night vision - if you only have blue to see with. Hate the blue everywhere fad...
It will be priced as if you bought every new console at the same rate that exists now. That is the going rate so, what, $800 for 2 years, plus games. My bet is not less than $15/mo plus software titles. If you couldn’t afford it now, I am not sure they are going to give much away for free so you can afford it now.
.... I will list the first few that immediately popped into my head:
Murica, right?!?
You are moving the goal post here. Your first comments included:
No. CTE is not effected by any of that. It is a property inside the crystals/glass where CTE is determined. CTE is a measure of how the glass changes its volume with changes in temperature. It is right in the name - coefficient of thermal expansion.
You are dumb. CTE is a property of the glass and the structure inside.
Do you seriously think that cooking “food” ingredients has an impact on the CTE (coefficient of thermal expansion) of glass?
AWD EV Mustang! My next car.
All I see is a bloated duck, a la, darkwing...
you damp vibrations, you dampen a sponge.
That is because by law, the government is not allowed to bargain for prices. Thank republicans. It is luducris! And you think it is because of bureaucratic inefficiencies. It is all part of the republican plan of strangulation of government.
Nah, you don’t. Not until you can choose the company providing the service. You think going to McDonalds and having a choice of chicken or beef is a choice. That is ridiculous and that is not choice when it comes to buying health care or a dinner.
Re 2: When is the last time you got to pick the health insurance that your company provided? You may have had a choice of plan inside one provider. But that is not choice. You are delusional if you think that is choice. Choice is being able to select the company that is the provider. Choice is being able to pick…
Come on man, again with the attacks. You don’t even back up your statement of “better 4 years ago”. What was better, how was it better, do you have proof that they make a change? That was exactly when they came out with the impossible to repair MacBook Pro battery. The exact opposite of what you are trying to say.
You still didn’t show me how anyone does it better that Apple. I have shown multiple ways Apple is trying move forward with recycling its own products. You continue to attach me, call my ideas disingenuous and yet you deliver nothing.