“My navigator came with the 5.3 V8. There’s a reason I got 14k plus off and 0% interest.”
“My navigator came with the 5.3 V8. There’s a reason I got 14k plus off and 0% interest.”
That is a good answer.
A E150 would work too and rides a lot nicer when unloaded. My parents still have their 92 E150 Club Wagon.
That's a $400K car. The NSX is only $150K.
Man, if your comment is to shit on another man’s pride and joy, you need to step up your comment game.
You’re supposed to sit in the right hand seat, not on the shifter...
As regards smarter to take the loan. I have done that with varying success on different cars. However, the most beneficial was when I bought my C63.
You, dear readers, all have terrible taste.
I’d go find a gif that shows someone missing the point, but I’ve got better things to do.
GM should learn something from Ferrari.
As a previous IS300 (manual) owner, no one should ever characterize that car as “fast.”
“Sadly, the Shuttle Program would turn out to be more of a very expensive anchor that would keep mankind stuck in orbit for decades than a economical space plane that could facilitate exploration beyond earth’s orbit.” Incorrect. You need to research the unclassified Shuttle program accomplishments. No need to even up…
Stop it so hard the rust all falls off.
Um we aren’t. Might want to check the post again.
I know, that POS shouldn’t be on this list. fixed spoiler bullshit.
Thank you for introducing some basic logic and facts to counter all the conjecture and whining.
I’m in the same boat. Agreed completely.
Because people are stupid.
disclaimer: I own a 2014 TDi Passat with 6M and I have averaged 52.1 MPG over the last 37k miles. those 37k miles were done in just 1 year.