Fuck small cars

Maybe they are turning around. Who knows.

I wouldn’t be “found dead” in that one...

Yes. Lol.

Compared to Audi -who makes some of the best interior designs, and I am far from an Audi fan. I think Audi has it nailed down when it comes to technically luxurious interiors.

It’s a start or should I say momentum in the favor of diesel options.

don’t worry abt the prices:

they’re fine when they’re parked.

I am glad we closed on an amicable note. cheers.

I am open minded.

My car - owned by me a P31 all options quartz blue was 83k. Bought for 56k after 2k miles and 2 yrs CPO.

Apologies accepted.

let me see, if that what you posted. a CTS-V. Nope. Not that. Carry on folks. Mindless blabber. Nothing here.

The goddamm PPV Tahoe looks even more angry - specially on rural roads - more like the one who cited me “over speeding”.


depends what you’re driving.

You have the right to remain silent....

It’s “functional”.

for 105k.

you forgot -

I want them to bring euro Passat over with diesel.