I recently met a vegan Crosfitter who answered the age-old question.
I recently met a vegan Crosfitter who answered the age-old question.
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Are you illiterate?
There’s a warning in the headline!
Huh, you usually don't see a Frenchie collapse like that without a German being nearby.
Did they ever find out if the girl was real? My money is on “No”.
Why does this television only get one channel?
Yep. It was the right choice that one first time (and arguably the second). Once the whole world learned to fear them appropriately, the “it’s a good idea to use them” bar was suddenly a whole lot higher.
Sorry, I use to feel bad about Hiroshima and Nagasaki, then I read about the Rape of Nanking and The Holocast.
If you sell one person a 50% share of the profits, you owe him half of all the money you make. If you sell a hundred people 50% of the profits each, you owe each of them half of the money you make, which means you owe 50 time more than the profits. The Producers scam only works if everyone who bought in agrees that…
Considering the Nazis and Japanese both had (mismanaged) nuclear programs and were behind acts like The Holocast and rampage through China, someone was going to get them soon and be very glad we were the ones that got them first.
Because even a cursory examination of the books would reveal that they committed fraud by selling 25,000% ownership of the production.
And the problem with America is that there are people like you in it, who frankly straight-up do not understand how the world works and never will.
I mean, 80,000 Japanese deaths or 1,000,000 American deaths and 1,000,000 plus Japanese deaths? It’s not that clear cut as “we used nukes and are therefore ashamed of it.”
HILLARY WILL NOT NUKE PEOPLE. For the love of God. Do not sit anything out. I don’t care if you don’t like her, Trump will get this country fucked.
Glad we used them against them too, it was the right choice.
Foxtrot Alpha, dickface.