
Just how much is the Pokemon Co. paying Gawker to run all these stupid Pokemon Go posts?

Time to find a printer who can forge this stuff. I can’t wait to see how a prosecutor could possibly bring a case to a grand jury, let alone a trial jury & keep a straight face claiming some really rich asshole got ripped off on forged Magic: The Gathering cards!

“The vault is called the Memory Lane, and it also contains every Lego set ever manufactured”

And we can expect the Russians & Chinese to steal this technology in the next 6 months, if they haven’t done so already!

Then what are these?

Deadspin took 1722 words attempting to explain it & left out the blows to the head.

Richie Hebner had to work as a grave digger in the off season. I remember seeing numerous players from Chicago teams working as salesmen in stores around Chicago in the 1960s.

I’m pretty sure she’s Canadian.

I learned that when I was 8 on how to cross a streetcar track.

Come to Chicago, where there’s at least one suicide a week in front of Metra trains. It now has a word for it: “Metracide”!

Why did LA use a Canadian to do the voiceover?

They’re drunk! Really drunk!

I like my 40 year old Michigan pattern ax!

Chevvies with the Straight Six had the same thermostat housing from about 1935 to the 1970s.

GM starting building hybrids in the 1930s & continued for decades. They came out of their plant in McCook Illinois, although they called it LaGrange. Better known as Electro-Motive Division [EMD], which produced tens of thousands of diesel electric locomotives. If GM had leveraged that hybrid knowledge into their car

I have strong feelings about Vin Scully. He’s boring beyond belief! If I never hear “There’s a little nubber towards second” again, I’ll be in heaven!

I don’t know where you live, but in Illinois, you’d be a member of the militia, according to the 1970 Illinois Constitution:

10,000 RPM for a lawn mower? What kind of a gearbox & how much will that weigh so the blade on the mower doesn’t destroy itself?

Foreign born nurses from Asia always say “make water”.

May they all do as well as Clint Eastwood did the last Republican convention.